Chapter 06

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"Very dutiful of you." Suzie nodded her approval.

"That's one way to look at it I suppose." Rowdy shrugged. "I didn't have a career or family like my brothers so it made sense. I bought the house from mom and fixed it up."

"How long was she alone?" Suzie asked, smiling but otherwise ignoring his mention that Baker house belonged to him and not his mother.

"She was alone for two years. But that house went to hell in a hand-basket while I was gone. It was falling down around her ears when I moved back in. I fixed the roof and the plumbing, rewired the-but you don't want a list of home repairs. What else do you want to know?"

"Who was she?"

"Who was who?"

"The girl that broke your heart?" Suzie held up a hand to stop his protest. "You're too nice. Nice guys don't play around the way that Jack does. So that tells me you're either shy or you're keeping your distance. That's something I know a little bit about so..."

"I detect a story."

"So, you're a detective now?"

"Ha-ha. No. I've heard the stories, same as you. But you don't talk about yourself much."


"I hate to interrupt," Betsy paused on her way to the kitchen. "But we just got busy and I need you back on the floor."

"Maybe we can talk another time?" Rowdy asked hopefully.

"I'll call you." Suzie answered as she slid out of the booth and hurried away.

Rowdy was smiling as he left a minute later.


"What was that all about?" Betsy asked as they worked on the closing side-work.

"What was what about?" Suzie looked around and nearly over-flowed the ketchup.

"What was that all about-with Rowdy today?"

"Oh, that." Suzie blushed.

"Yes that." Betsy waggled her eyebrows. "Spill it sister."

"I was being paranoid. I asked him how to do a background check."

"You've been talking to Madge, haven't you?" Betsy laughed. "I swear, that woman sees conspiracies everywhere. She watches America's Most Wanted and calls in with a sighting at least once a month."

"Is that all?" Suzie shrugged, "I would have thought she'd call at least once a week."

Betsy laughed, but didn't push for more. Suzie was glad Betsy took the subtle hint that she didn't particularly feel like sharing. She felt foolish enough as it was...


Rowdy changed his mind a dozen times, before he got out of the truck and walked around the back. If anyone saw his truck, they would assume that he was in Dale's and hopefully they would leave Suzie out of any tales they told.

He turned around twice on the stairs before he made it to the top.

He raised his hand but turned to leave without knocking when the door opened.

"Oh!" Suzie stepped back, startled. "Rowdy, what are... Did you ... Come in!"

"You were just leaving?" He asked, "I can come back..."

"I was just going to run over to the post office and check the box. It can wait. Come in."

He followed her in and shut the door behind him. He watched as she put Brody into the walker and smiled. It was impossible not to smile. Brody really liked the thing. He was bouncing and scooting and babbling happily as he smacked at the little toy things.

Evans Creek Book 2: In Good HandsWhere stories live. Discover now