Chapter 07

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Suzie didn't realize what happened until a strange man landed on top of her.

"Stupid Bitch." He growled.

His knee dug into her thigh as he got to his feet.

"Ahh." She cried in pain.

And then he was gone.

Suzie felt dizzy.

No. That wasn't right.


No. That wasn't right either.

With a gasp, she finally managed to fill her lungs and coughed.

Her head throbbed.

Her shoulder hurt.

Her arm really hurt.

She set her elbows to the ground to lever herself upright and hissed as the abraded flesh of her forearm pressed on the roughened surface of the sidewalk.

Suzie scrunched her face as she raised her arm to inspect the injury.

She hadn't had a road rash like that since she was ten and had that fantastic wipe-out on a borrowed bicycle.

"Oh my God!" Jack's voice was close and concerned.

Blinking, Suzie realized he was kneeling and reaching for her.

"Are you alright Suzie? Slow...",

He didn't need to tell her. She couldn't have managed any faster, even if she wanted to. As soon as she tried to sit up, her head swirled and her back spasmed.

She must have hit the ground really hard.

"I'm alright."

She hissed as she reached for her head, stretching the damaged skin and sending a spasm of pain through her shoulder.

"Just give me a minute." She cradled her arm as her eyes squeezed shut. She heard people gathering but kept her eyes closed.

Apparently getting knocked on your ass was big news.

Then she heard the sirens.

Surely no one called the police because some asshole knocked her down.

"What's going on?" Suzie asked as she opened her eyes and began to look around.

She cringed as she saw the contents of her bag strewn about.

The checks!

She didn't see them among the various items.

"My bag." She said as she started to reach but stopped as her muscles protested.

"I'll get it." Jack said, leaning to reach across her. He caught the strap with a finger and dragged the bag to her side.

"Thanks." Suzie said as she immediately began searching for the checks.

They were still there, tucked between the spare diaper and onesie.

A moment later she heard her name and looked up to see the crowd around her parting.


Dennis was driving and as they pulled up to the bank, Rowdy's eyes landed on a blob of white in the street next to the curb.

"Suzie!" Rowdy whispered as the cruiser stopped and he leapt out.

"What?" Dennis asked as followed Rowdy. "How do you know Suzie is involved?"

Evans Creek Book 2: In Good HandsWhere stories live. Discover now