Chapter XVII - Courage, Strength and Magic

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In the early morning Gaius was sitting at the desk and studying one of his books, from time to time giving Merlin instructions for the potion his apprentice was preparing.

"Add some nightshade, but just a little," said Gaius, glancing up from the book at Merlin.

"Right, it's done," said the warlock after a moment, shaking the vial slightly to mix the tincture. He handed it to Gaius and waited for his opinion.

"Well, the colour is right," the physician stated and sniffed the substance. "Almost perfect, you're learning."

"Thank you, Gaius," he smiled.

There was a knock on the door chambers and Gaius didn't even have time to say 'come in' when it opened and Arthur peered inside.

"Am I disturbing you?" he asked.

"Not at all, my lord," the physician replied and the king came in.

"It's a beautiful day, isn't it?" Arthur smiled and walked over to his friend. "Sun is shining and it's warm, there's no way there's gonna be a storm. Could you prepare the horses, Merlin?"

Gaius and Merlin exchanged confused glances.

"Are you all right?" the warlock asked.

"I'm perfectly fine, but I'm afraid it won't be like that soon."

"Why is that? Where're we going?"

"To the tavern," the king replied and turned to leave.

Merlin shrugged his shoulders. "Seems I gotta go."

"Did I get it right that Arthur is taking you to the tavern?" Gaius looked at him in surprise.

"I think it's about a bet with Gwaine," he said.

"Then you will have some entertainment," the physician stated.

"Yeah, for sure. See you later," said Merlin and headed to the stables.

There Gwaine was waiting for him, who helped him prepare his horse, and then the king's chestnut horse, and as soon as Arthur joined them, they went on their way. They were riding through the fields and, like the king said, it was a nice and warm day of the late summer. They wore normal, casual clothes with nothing that could indicate that they were from Camelot; and Merlin of course, as usual, was in his recognisable outfit with a blue neckerchief. They rode like this for less than half a day, with breaks, until they finally stopped their stallions on the moorland hill from where there was a view on the village called Howden to which led a path through the forest.

"There's an inn on the way," said Gwaine.

"Indeed," Arthur chuckled. "We're nearly there, come on," he clicked his tongue and rushed down the slope with Merlin and Gwaine following him.

At the bottom of the hill they already found themselves on the road to Howden and behind the turn, halfway to the village, they saw a small wooden building. Arthur dismounted his horse first and tied him to the fence. He looked around and saw that next to the inn there were few dark brown palfreys bound to the trees.

"Ah, hopefully there will be somewhere to sit," the king said.

"And if not, we'll make it for ourselves," stated Gwaine and jumped off his horse.

"No brawls," Arthur held out his finger in warning, looking from Gwaine to Merlin.

"That also applies to you, sire," the warlock said and made his way to the door.

They walked in and took the table near the bar. There was a scent of alcohol in the air, and a few of the men had already measured them with hostile stares. The bartender didn't seem very nice either. He didn't even bother to go to their table, because Arthur, Merlin and Gwaine were sitting close enough that he just leaned over the counter and looked at them almost from above.

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