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TW: suicidal.

Years ago when me and my brothers were about 18 there was a revolution.

Rumor has it, her soon to be husband didn't get something right at the wedding so she killed him or he ruined her dress so she killed him. Many accusations have been made over time but as first hand sources none of them are true.

It was a wedding. A good friend of my brothers and I was getting married. We never met her. Which was common for mafia men to keep their lovers a secret. She walked down the isle but she looked nothing as described and correction she didn't walk -  she ran.

They were rushing -  spitting out their vows and when the priest asked for objections a man spoke. "She has one." He opened the door to see another woman in a white dress. Holding the tail of her dress she glanced at the people seated on the pews.

Her eyes lingered on us for a second as if realizing who we were. She looked away and continued walking. "Thought I wouldn't find out? You thought that on my own FUCKING wedding day i'd just walk out because you thought it was a mistake?"

"Don't try to play me love. Everyone in this room knows who I am - what i'm capable of. You don't scare me."

"Have you forgotten who I am?" she smiled.

Just like that she shot him dead center in his forehead. The other woman dropping to her knees screaming. Anyone that stood up to defend him was held back by security. She started her walk back down the isle this time us glancing at her. Feeling our gaze she looked over for a second and walked out.

From that day on mafia women got in the game, and they were in to win. Me and my brothers have had this infatuation with her since. We aren't the sharing type but we aren't down right stubborn either.

We found out who she was not long after. We've been watching her since. We're 24 now and she's 23. She's still in school. We have cameras in her living place. Her situation is like a group home she has her separate room and it's all girls but they don't really talk to one another.

We couldn't find anything on Kaylee Romano other than her faking her death. I guess everyone hasn't realized it was her I mean she wasn't the only person in the world with that name. Six years we haven't made contact with her.


This morning she got up and was upset doing her hair. Leaving the house she walked to school with two other girls. She wanted another degree. We don't watch her at school.

She came home with her friend. We hadn't paid attention to her name cause we don't care. She had walked down the street with her friend before she turned around walking back to the house alone. She kept looking back - paranoid? maybe she felt someone behind her.

A block away from the house her eyes lingered down the street at a white car. It didn't move. She kept looking over her shoulder til she got back. In her bed on her phone doing whatever she had her metal water bottle in her hand.

She pressed it against her pussy outside her shorts and started to move it or move her body. She doesn't please herself and not with us watching was anyone else going to do it.

We dropped everything and watched closely as she started to take care of herself and lord was it sexy.

We groaned at the sound of her moaning. Then she just stopped and laid down. Like she was teasing us.

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