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I helped myself get up by flipping over onto my stomach. I got on all fours and crawled over to the group of them. I stopped when I made it to the middle of the three which was where Raiden sat.

I placed my hands on each of his knees and stood myself up. I held eye contact with him as I readjusted my bra, he brought his hand up to caress down my body. I took his hand from my body and held it and slowly let it go as I walked away.

I reached down to grab my clothes and Cal was the first to break the silence, "What are you doing?"

"Getting dressed duh." I replied with an obvious tone because it was definitely fucking obvious.

He stood up and waltzed over to me quickly while saying, "Who said you could?".

I rolled my eyes and finished putting my clothes on. "I wasn't done partying." I relayed the message as I left the room and shut the door. I let out a deep breath after my exit and stood at the rail looking down at the crowd.

I locked eyes with a man sitting at the bar he had an all black suit on with a black button down on. Our eyes stayed on each other as he removed the suit jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his button up before returning to his manspread. He was Spanish I could tell and he had the prettiest curls with the most perfect mustache. I watched him take a sip of his drink and lick his lips at me after. That was my sign.

I turned around and peered into the glass room I just exited and saw them all with their eyes on me. I made eye contact with each of them before walking out of sight down the stairs.

I took my time with my walk down the stairs but to my surprise the man stood at the bottom of the staircase and took my hand to help me down.

With no words he brought us over to the bar where I had been before with some people that are probably plotting my death now.

But I didn't care, I have no fear.

I sat down with his help and he sat down in the seat next to me. He tapped his cup twice on the bar and another of what he was drinking was slid our way. He caught the glass and extended his hand out to me. I downed it but I needed more. 

"Give me the bottle." I told the bartender, they wanted me to have fun, then I was going to.

"You sure you need that much?" the man spoke to me for the first time. His voice was deep and husky that I had to stare at him for a second before responding. 

But as I opened my mouth to answer "Lemme see" by Usher came on and I couldn't resist my body's movements to get up taking the bottle with me.

His hand reached out to me and I turned back to him but I never stopped walking I just continued to do it backwards. He sent me a wink and I turned back around.

I kicked my shoes off at the bar and walked through the crowd. The song blared through the club and as Usher said "I decided to take my shirt off" I unbuttoned mine and let it slip off as I continued through the crowd.

I made it to the pole in the middle of the room and attached myself to it. I spun my drunken body around and after a few more sips from the bottle I put it down. 

I climbed up the pole and that's when I saw the boys standing outside of the room we were in but their eyes weren't on me, and I'm an attention whore.

I started to do anything on the pole that my body would let me, even some of the other girls joined me and we did some tricks together. 

When I looked back up to the boys they were gone but I looked over to the bar and was grateful someone kept their eyes on me and just for that I let myself off the pole and made my way back to him.

I walked as best I could and realized I actually didn't have a shirt on but I was already there. His legs were open enough for me to stand between them so I walked right into him and put my arms around his neck to embrace him. 

He let his hands roam down my body before I pulled back only to let out a 


"Hi princess." he returned.

"Soy bonita?" (am I pretty), I asked him and the language switch seemed to engage him more into our conversation.

"la chica más bonita que he visto" (the prettiest girl I've ever seen), he replied.

Just as I leaned in to kiss him gun shots rang through the building and I dropped to the floor. People were screaming and running but I couldn't process anything at that moment. When the shots went silent someone picked me up and dragged me out of the building but I was placed in the car with my captors. 

My head was spinning but I saw a bottle of water and grabbed it, as I drunk it I felt more and more of my awareness coming back,

and I was pissed.

"Why the fuck did ya'll shoot the club up?" I asked angrily as the car started to drive off.

"How the fuck do you know it was us?" Cal said reciprocating my anger.

"Who tf else would it be?" he went silent at that. 

"Well maybe if you hadn't decided you wanted to be a stripper tonight I wouldn't have had to kill a man asking how much to buy you from us." Daniel spoke this time almost more angry than Cal.

I scoffed, "I'm priceless."

"We know." they said in unison

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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