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I found myself on the roof. I tend to do that a lot.

After a while I moved to a lower part of the roof. It covered a part of the house with a ceiling not as tall as the foyer and one of the living rooms.

I stood on the lower part of the roof then sat down and slid down. Thank god no rocks were there. I tried to open the front door but it was locked.

I stood there knocking for ever it seemed like and I refused to give in and sit on the ground. The door was opened but not by anyone I knew.

He opened the door further to let me in. I walked it and rubbed my feet on the mat.

At that moment I just thought about the amount of shit that has happened over the last couple of days and I knew I would have to deal with it eventually.

"She's here." the man yelled.

It was like a stampede the way they rushed to me.

I just knew hell was gonna wash over from there. No words just actions. My arm was grabbed and I was basically dragged up the stairs then pushed me in the room.

They walked back towards the bed but their eyes were on me the whole time. "Strip." Raiden looked at me with anger evident. At this time, I knew he probably had the worst issues of them all.

"Oh hell no." With that I opened the door and stepped out.

I was quickly pulled back in and slammed on the wall. My eyes shut tightly at the force Raiden used.

He let out a big huff and regained himself. "Okay."

He pulled me by the arm and sat down on the edge of the bed. He laid me over his lap. I craned my neck to the left and raised an eyebrow.

I know damn well.

I felt my jeans get pulled down harshly by Cal or Daniel. Before I could voice my disapproval and how I did not want to be seen like this I felt a stinging smack to my ass.

I inhaled loudly because the hit took me by surprise. I felt multiple hands either caressing my ass or tugging on the lace that kept me from being fully exposed.

"I'm not a fucking child."

Another smack. I held my breath and let it out shakily after the initial pain.

At the third hit I found myself biting into his suit pants while I held my breath.

By hit 4 and 5 I was expecting them but the pain still was the same.

I didn't realize how hard I was also gripping onto his thigh until I didn't feel anymore hits.

My teeth detracted themselves from his pants and I stood up. One foot had touched the floor before I was pulled back but instead of by Raiden it was by Cal.

I was on his lap now. I started to squirm and get off but he held me. Raiden grabbed my hands while I took note of the anger no longer residing in his face.

"5 from Cal and 5 from Daniel. You can take it, Bella."

"I'll make it quick for you my love." Cal reassured.

I took a deep breath in and held it. They would not the get the satisfaction of hearing me in pain.

Just like he had said, he did it quickly. My hands turned white while Raiden's turned red. I let them go and watched as he stretched his hands.

My ankles were grabbed and I was pulled. My legs hung over the side of the bed a few inches from the floor.

"Breathe Bellezza (lovely)." Daniel took notes of that I was still holding my breath even when I had forgotten all about it.

I let out the air that was kept within. Just as I inhaled he slammed his hand down on me and I stopped my breathing once again and tensed.

My right hand gripped Cal's thigh as the smacks kept coming in.

He had finished and was rubbing my ass while I had my head resting between my forearms that were on top of Cal's thigh.

Raiden I assumed was rubbing cream on my ass because nobody else moved except Daniel who retracted his hands from my ass.

Once he had rubbed and grabbed my ass multiple times, he brought me to my feet and put his thumbs inside the sides of my pants and started to pull them up.

I refused to help him by doing that little awkward jumping and leg shaking to get into my jeans. Daniel stood up and hooked his thumbs in the front of my jeans.

Team work makes it work because they got the jeans up higher than I did. I pulled them back down to my hips.

I hate any pants, tights, sweatpants, anything over my stomach.


We went to this restaurant and had some pizza. I assumed it was a real Italian restaurant because the pizza screamed my childhood. Not the American recreation.

I hadn't spoken a word.

Not when they asked what I wanted to eat, Not when the waiter basically flirted in front of my face, not when they tried to make conversation while I was being forced to eat, even when the waitress sat on Cal's lap.

They didn't do anything at first. They looked for any reaction, anger, hell for me to even look up.

None of that happened.

Controlling your emotions is a big thing when you know everyone is just going to try to provoke you. It's best to not care, but if you do care no one should know that besides yourself.

As soon as we were back I went straight upstairs and onto the balcony. I stood there for a second before waltzing back into the room changing, and grabbing my book.

I sat outside for what seemed like years just reading and listening to the wind.

I hadn't realized how late it got until my eyes wouldn't stay open. I closed the book and threw myself on the bed not even bothering to close the balcony doors.

I groaned loudly and rolled off of bed onto the floor. Once I stood up I had to get my balance back the dizziness that overtook me continued through the night.

I used the bathroom then got back into bed.

Even while I was tossing and turning in bed I felt the dizziness in my eyes.

Next was heat. The temperature change made me throw all the blankets down towards my feet.

When sleep did arrive I was still in my head about the fact I had gotten spanked just hours earlier.

I just knew it could've been a lot worse.

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