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I had put 2 and 2 together during the rest of the ride realizing it was my uncle, my dad's twin.

Cal parked the car outside the casino's entrance. I had been sitting on Raiden's lap the rest of the car ride. Cal looked at me and I leaned up off of Raiden's chest.

I put my hand on the door but Raiden grabbed my waist tight making me look at him. "Start talking." Daniel moved over into the middle seat.

I sighed and looked at Cal "I told you they're waiting for me. They always know or figure out where I am they never expected me to be living where I was and they wouldn't have found me if I didn't get snatched up."

"In a limo nonetheless."

I hadn't even realized I was moving on Raiden's lap until he groaned making me look down. "Who are you?" he asked.

"Kaylee Romano, heir to the Mala del Brenta." I spoke. Eyes got wide and looks were exchanged between them. Cal cleared his throat "Let's go we don't want to keep them waiting." he got out the car along with Daniel.

I was staring at Raiden hoping he held his secret in his eyes. He didn't. "Tell me." I persisted. "There is nothing to tell amore." He tilted his head.

I started grinding on his dick making him throw his head back and man spread more. I leaned to his ear " Tell me."

He moaned making me throb and throw my own head back. "Like I said nothing my love now we should go before I make you take all of what you're playing with."

I stopped moving and we both just looked at each other for a second. I got out the car and he followed. I turned around and put my lips by his ear and said "You should get yourself together and I don't mean mentally." We got to the line outside the door.


A big gust of wind lifted my dress exposing my panties and garter belt that my gun and knives were on. All three of them looked down at me for a second before all three of them surrounded me, covering me with themselves.

They helped fix my dress and held it down every time the wind blew. At the front of the line Daniel was behind me his body pressed on mine and his arms around me holding the front of my dress.

They just nodded at the man at the door and walked in. There was another line but we skipped it. Daniel was no longer holding my dress but he was still behind me and a man was on either side of me.

They led the way with me close behind. I may hate being the center of attention but who said I wasn't confident when I was? We all walked with confidence though I didn't know where we were going or what we were doing you couldn't show that.

Weaknesses? Don't have those.

We walked into a room after a while. Men and two strippers, sexy strippers. They all looked up then stood up and shook hands and whatnot. Nobody touched me. Great.

No one sat back down in the couches they gathered around the poker table in the middle of the room. Cal and Daniel had their thighs so close together so I was on Cal's left thigh and Daniel's right. Bets were placed and hole cards were dealt.

I wanted to lean back but they weren't touching enough to do that. I got up and all three of them looked up from their cards including the other men.

I stood in front of Daniel until he realized and opened his arms. I turned and sat on his lap. Cal and Raiden moved their chairs closer, Cal on the right and Daniel on the left.

They were looking at each other's cards. They moved the chairs closer as the game started. The pre-flop started and Cal was seated under the gun so it was his go to bet or fold.

He doubled the amount of the last man, Daniel and Raiden bet the same amount. 10k. Three people folded and the dealer pulled out three cards. Cal was up and he bet another 10k. Daniel and Raiden both called a raising hand.

After that round it was one man against three. The dealer placed the fourth card down. Everyone raised their bets and I couldn't even keep up with how much was in the pile.

They all put another 10k in and the man put all in. He put his cards down certain of his win. To everyone's shock - even mine, Cal stood up put his cards down showing a royal flush, Daniel stood up with his hand wrapped around me holding my waist and dropped the same cards as Cal, so did Raiden.

No one had anything to say. Not even me. I guess it took a toll on them because everyone got up and sat on the couches. Raiden put me in his lap now.

"So Mr. Ramirez, I heard you were planning to go to war with a mafia you were stealing from, which mafia would that be?" Raiden said while he pushed his hips up getting more comfortable.

"If you don't mind," the man spoke "I'd rather keep it to myself until it's official." Everyone in the room nodded.

"Mmm, see the problem with that is it's us you're stealing from & it's us you want to go to war with." Daniel spoke.

Raiden passed me to Daniel and all four of us stood up facing them. Daniel put me behind him while they walked in front of all the men in the room. "Losing the poker game must be your karma for this act you all put on like you aren't aware of what's happening behind our backs." Faces in the room dropped and I heard the door lock from the outside.

"Then again, the house always wins." Raiden continued viciously.

Cal snapped. One of the strippers brought over a duffel bag that she could barely carry. I just watched the bag as she handed it to him. He looked back at me as he took it from her hand looking over my blank and unbothered expression.

He signaled for me to come here with his index and middle finger. I walked to him and Raiden moved to the side to let me between them.

"You may know her as Lilith. She did start the revolution and all." he introduced me and put his hand in my hair for a second before pulling it out. They all stood around the bag that revealed ropes.

"Why Lilith?"

My head turned to the voice of a man being tied up.

"Lilith, mother of demons, known for killing with seduction."

They all went separate ways tying up the men. Daniel even shot one who pulled out his gun. I turned and saw one of the strippers with her hands covering her mouth. "Papà." she whispered and even I could barely make out the word.

I turned around and let out a sigh. I was bored. Watching them disarm them all then tie them up had to be lame for everybody.

"You think you'll get away with killing all of us?" Mr. Ramirez said just as I pulled my knife out and slit the throat of the stripper that almost hit me. Then I threw it in the other's heart.

Even prettier in red.

All three of them were looking at me but all I did was stroll over to the wall and lean on it. "They were your backup? We aren't killing anybody. You'll have to get out on your own." Cal said.

I looked over and it hit me. They had cut their pants under the crotch area and stuck the rope inside from two different sides. It was knotted at their assholes. Even if they did help each other the rope was too tight to be pulled up to bring the knot higher and they would get burned bad by the rope. I mean they could use their mouth's but their dignity would be gone after that.

"Cmon baby." Cal said and pulled me to his side as we stepped over bodies and pools of blood while I held my dress. Daniel typed on his phone watching me the whole time.

He put his phone up then his arms out for me to come here. I did. "Angel you don't say much." A man commented before we walked out. We all turned around. I just squinted and replied:

"Not much needs to be said." I turned around and let Raiden open the door for me.

"Don't call her that." Even from so far Cal still managed to get a bullet through him. We walked downstairs and still got stares.


I took a shower and decided to go downstairs for some cereal. I was about to walk in the living room until I heard them talking.

"How is it okay? WE KILLED HER SISTER."

what. the. fuck.

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