Episode 16: Rose Tinted Glasses

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Rani walked outside, where she was greeted with the cool gentle breeze of the morning air of her homeworld. She gazed upon the green landscape of the fields that surrounded her home. However, that peace and quiet were interrupted, when she heard rapid footsteps from behind.

The princess turned around and saw her younger brother running up to her. She quickly held her arm out to block his path. "Baliyo, what are you doing?" She questioned.

"I'm just going to meet someone, I'll be right back!" The younger boy responded.

"What about your lesson with Surrak?"

"Can you just let him know I'm going to be a bit late?"

She rolled her eyes, as she put her arm down, allowing her brother to pass. "YOU KNOW THERE ARE BETTER TIMES IN THE DAY TO TALK TO THAT GIRL!" She shouted, knowing exactly what her little brother was up to.

"NO BETTER TIME THAN THE PRESENT!" He remarked, before running off into the distance..

Rani opened her eyes, squinting at the sunlight coming in from her window. She yawned as she sat up on her bed, before standing up to get ready.

The Pink Ranger walked out of her room, to the sight of her teammates trying to wake up as they sat in the living area, with Ono using the main console to scan the Earth for anything that could be relevant for their treasure hunt.

"Weird...." Ono said to himself. "The energy signature of the portal is well.....off. I don't think it's just one ranger that came to our world."

"Well that just makes things easier. We're not looking for just one person." Fuli remarked.

"Where are you going?" Kion asked, noticing Bunga, who was walking out of the room."

"Just going to meet up with Binga." Bunga replied. "I'll let you guys know if I see anything."

"Is now really the best time to meet up with her?" Kion asked

"No better time than the present!" The Blue Ranger remarked, before walking out.

"That reminds me, I'm going to be meeting up with my mother, but I'll let you guys know if I spot whoever might be the rangers that came into our world." Ono added on, as he made his way out of the ship as well.

"In that case, the four of us should split up." Kion suggested. The others had no problem with this notion, and all began to walk out of the ship.

While Rani would prefer to normally pair up with Kion as she does enjoy his company, she wanted some time to think to herself. There was something about the Bounty Hunter her team encountered a few weeks ago that has been bothering her.

Rani has tried to find any information she could on him, however she was just led to dead end after dead end. It was tormenting her. She needed to know who he was, or where he came from.

The four went out into the city, each searching one corner of the area to see where, While Ono attempted to develop a tracking device for Morphin Grid energy, that of course relies on the fact that the Ranger had their morpher on them. Along with the fact that he had great difficulty blocking out their own morphers energy signature.

Rani decided to look near the more suburban area. Aside from houses, the place had shopping centers and parks in the area. To accommodate the residents of the area. However, she really had no idea who to expect.

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