Illegal Love: Chapter One

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Trigger warning: slurs, swearing.

The snow piled on the rooftop in front of my window while the chilly breeze blew in. I leaned on the edge of my windowsill and looked out onto the poor looking but barely halfway nice neighborhood.

I could hear the neighbor shoveling up the snow in his drive through. It was a crunchy sound and it was oddly satisfying and it made a shiver run up my spine.

I was so mesmerized in the familiar sight of snow slowly falling, I didn't hear the sounds of footsteps nearing my room.

The door swings open softly. The slow sound of it creaking made me immediately know who just walked into my room.

"Antonio," my mother says sternly, "Please close the window and your curtains. It's freezing and I would prefer you to not get a cold."

I sigh quietly and nod without looking at her.

I close the window and the curtains.

I turn around and see my mother. Her black hair was tied back into a tight bun and wrinkles creasing near her furrowed eyebrows.

"What are you even doing with window open?" she questioned. I felt the need to roll my eyes for some reason.

It was kinda stupid to ask that. I mean, there aren't many reasons to be looking out my window at nothing.

But I wouldn't.

If I dare roll my eyes, my mother would lose her stuff. She's super dramatic and emotional and rolling my eyes at her would make her anxious.

"I'm just getting some fresh air. It gets cramped in here sometimes..." I say quietly. She looks at me with a blank expression.

She sighs and puts on a stern and mean look.

"I don't care. Don't ever think about leaving this house without mine and your father's approval. You stay here where I can see you. Understood?"

I felt the need to whine.

But I hold my tongue. Whining is gonna annoy her. And if my father finds out I'm complaining, I wouldn't wanna know what he would do...

I nod my head and look away. Disappointed in the lack of sympathy.

"Anyways," she sighs, "go downstairs and get your book in the dining room. You left it there during breakfast."

I widen my eyes.

I nod quickly and rush past her.

It was good that my dad isn't here. If he was, he would've flipped at me for leaving a book on the table.

I walk quickly past the living room into the dining area. I see the mystery and romance novel laying on the table.

I pick it up and sigh. Feeling the relief of not getting a yell at.

I look around the book and see the date of the return. I got this book at the library and it was now due today. And being a day late will cost me a few bucks.

However, I go to the library a lot, and the librarians are quite fond of me. I've become friends with them in time and I'm sure they'll just let me off with a warning. But I'm not late and it's due today. So I rather let them have their book the day it's due rather than me getting a scolding.

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