Illegal Love: Chapter Twelve

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It was the next day since last night. We stayed out till very late and most likely got a tiny bit sick due to being out in the rain and cold for too long.

Today, there was something else planned. I'm not sure what it is but I'm getting the impression I won't know what most of these things will be.

I was surprised to figure out that Simon kept his promise. I thought he was lying considering that it was late at night and it was just some things we say when we're tired but I guess that wasn't the case.

The doorbell rings and I sit up from the kitchen and rush to the front door, slipping with my socks. I open the door and see a young lady with a small purse bag and short brown hair waiting patiently.

"Hi, I'm Olivia! 'Here to babysit Lumi" she says, a bright smile on her face.

"Ah yes, come in!" I reply. Simon had hired a babysitter for the night for Lumi since no one was available to babysit her while we left for the night.

Lumi was getting a little sad since we kept leaving her alone during the night but I promised her good fun after.

Lumi was in the living room reading a book I lent to her and I showed Olivia around the house and we gave her permission to be in certain places.

Simon came over to me and said that Dasia, Damien, and Josh were coming with us and we were going to an abandoned place. Though every place in this town is owned so I'll have to talk to Simon about that because that would be trespassing.

Simon and I say goodbye to Lumi and tell her that we would be back but she didn't want to leave and clung to us like we were her parents.

Simon takes me outside and I see Damien's truck with him in the driver's seat and Dasia in the passenger seat. Josh was looking at us in the back.

I wave to them and hop in the back with Josh and Simon. It was kinda squished because there were Three people but I wasn't mad being squished next to Simon. Maybe I'm becoming better friends with him?

Josh talked to me during the ride and Dasia and Damien talked to us somewhat too. I kinda felt out of place because they all know each other and I'm new. My thoughts were all over the place and my leg started bouncing up and down but Simon put his hand on my knee, squeezed a little, and made it stay down but he was looking out of the window like the others weren't there and like he didn't even know he was doing it. It was comforting and I relaxed but no one else has ever made me relax this quickly.

It was a weird feeling and it was almost like I felt I had to throw up but in a good way.


We finally arrived at our destination and it was in the bad part of town. I hopped out of the car soon after Simon did and I looked around and got a tad bit scared. A lot of "bullies" hung around here and they would probably squish me like a bug if the others weren't there.

There was trespassing tape everywhere. From tress to houses and they went far in. Tall metal fences were barricading the place but half of them were destroyed.

"Isn't this illegal?" Simon looked at me and said, "yep," popping the p.

"Sneaking out and now trespassing..." I got scared. "I can't- if my parents found out..."

"I'll make sure they don't find out," he says, giving me a slight smile. I got reassured (again) and kept walking with everyone else, still scared but not as much as before.

We make it to the fences and push through, Josh making jokes about the places smelling horrible.

It was probably because there was a bunch of cigarettes and rotten food all over the forest floor. It made me frown but we continued walking through.

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