Illegal Love: Chapter Fourteen

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I gasp as sweat drips from my chin, my shirt sticking to my chest. The sweat on my fingers and my heavy breathing let me know that I'm okay now. I'm fine. The nightmare won't get me and scare me anymore.

I stand up from my bed, my legs wobbly and my heart pounding.

Don't think about the darkness anymore. He hasn't done it in forever. The door won't close on me again. Be a good boy.

I look at the nightstand, my phone faced upside down with a charger in its plug. I turn the phone over and tap the screen with a shaky finger, looking at the time and cringing at the number of messages from my parents.

3:56 am. I sigh. I won't be able to sleep due to the stinging in my eyes when I blink. The thought of laying back down and running away from that nightmare sounds agonizing. I won't fall asleep. It's too scary.

I grab my phone, unplug my charger, and open my door. The hallway was dark, reminding me of that dark, dark closed space. The fear creeping through the darkness and climbing my legs, keeping me in place and piercing into my heart. I stay in place, scared to move forward.

My sweaty palms clutch the doorknob, the slipperiness making my fingers slip from the rusted metal. My heart pounds as I force myself to move forward into the fear.

The first step sends a tingle up my leg, the creak of the dark wooden floorboards reminding me of the creak of that door.

I take another, the next creak reminding me of the door closing in on me.

I walk faster, running away from the screaming. I run down the steps of cries and gasp when I see the kitchen light on.



My heart slows at the sight of Simon feeding a chip to Lumi.

"What are you doing up?" He questions, Lumi reaching for me with giggles.

"I- s-should be asking you the same," I reply, the shakiness in my voice apparent, cursing at myself for stuttering.

"You okay? You seem scared..." He questions, coming up to me slowly, leaving Lumi eating chips on the counter watching something on Simon's phone.

I gulp when he gets nearer, scared that he'll push into that darkness.

"Y-yea...I'm fine" I lied.

He looks at me skeptically, not believing me. He grabs my hand, leading me to a stool on the island and setting me down.

"You sure don't seem like it," he says, grabbing a cup from the sink, "you look like you need a shit-ton of water."

"Don't swear! How many times am I going to have to tell you?" I question, looking at Lumi, scared that she'll copy it.

He looks over at me, a lazy smirk on his face. "How many times am I going to tell you that I don't care?"

"Until you don't say it anymore."

He rolls his eyes, giving me a glass of water.

"Drink. You look like you need it."

"Thanks..." I whisper, taking the water and chugging it. I didn't realize how bad my throat needed the clear liquid until I took that first sip.

"Wow, you're thirsty."

I sigh, the water running in my body and refreshing my throat.

"What happened? You're definitely not fine" He questions, coming over and sitting next to me, Lumi coming over to him and trying to sit on his lap.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2022 ⏰

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