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Chapter Forty-Six: Arcane

Neither boy spoke during the car ride home. Isaac was fuming, and he refused to look at the other boy. Isaac stared straight ahead, out the front window, as they drove home. Scott had done the same, and he never once peaked at him through the corner of his eye. He could sense Isaac's hostility, and he was too exhausted to push it any further. He just wanted to go home. They both did.

Isaac nearly jumped out of the moving car as Scott pulled into the parking lot. He didn't wait for him to put the car into park before stepping out, and Scott was startled by Isaac's sudden movements. The car's alarm for the opened passenger door rang loudly in his ears, but it all had stopped as fast as it had started. The lights turned off once again, and Scott was alone in the car, watching the taller boy walk away.

Isaac shoved his slender fingers into his pocket and pulled out the apartment key. The metallic key fell out from his hands and landed flat against the pavement. He let out a sigh and bent over to grab it.

Scott gently placed his hand on the blond boy's back. Isaac stood up but neglected to notice Scott's touch. He opened the front door and pulled off his coat. He placed it on the rack as Scott closed the door behind them.

"I'm sorry, Isaac," Scott said finally, not knowing what else to say. "I really am."

Isaac continued to the kitchen, and he placed his wallet and phone onto the counter. He reached into the cupboards for a cup of water and filled it with the faucet's tap.

"Hello?" Scott pressed, "Can you please say something? I don't want to fight anymore."

"There's nothing left to say," Isaac stated. He stared out of the kitchen window as he took a sip of his water. "I'm exhausted, and I'm done."

"Done?" Scott questioned while walking up to the other boy. "What do you mean by done?"

Isaac remained silent. Scott grabbed the cup from his hands and slammed it down against the countertop.

"I was drinking that," Isaac said tiredly.

"And I was talking to you."

Isaac opened his mouth to respond, but he quickly closed it, knowing that what he was about to say wasn't thought through. He closed his eyes for a moment to think, and Scott waited.

"This...was a mistake," he finally said. He slowly opened his eyes, and he noticed that Scott had gotten closer to him while his eyes had been shut. "We shouldn't be together."

"What?" Scott choked out.

"We're no good for each other."

"Don't say that," Scott said. His eyes began to tear, and his stomach was already churned. "I'll tell my Mom about us, Isaac, I promise. I'm sorry that I haven't, I just wanted some more time—"

"This isn't about your Mom, Scott," Isaac told him and began to walk away from the kitchen. "It's about you. You hurt me and drove me away. I came back like an idiot, driven by your promises that you just cannot keep—"

"Name one promise that I have not kept," Scott demanded, following him into the living room. "I have kept every single one. I've been trying my hardest to make us work—"

"You're still in love with Allison, Scott," Isaac said quietly. "You can disagree with me... but we both know it. You were the one who said 'actions speak louder than words', and the way you were looking at her tonight proved it. And I will not stay in a place where I feel that I'm in constant competition with her, or anyone for that matter." Isaac slowly turned to look at him, and he reached out to grab Scott's wrists. "I love you, Scott. But I can't be with you anymore. I'm getting too old to be dealing with any of this." He sighed and looked at the ground. "I want to get married, Scott. I want a house, I want kids. I don't want to feel insecure for the rest of my life. And I know that I will always be questioning you if we continue. I don't want that."

Scott sniffled and shook his head. He jostled his wrists free from Isaac's hold and placed them onto his forehead, covering his eyes for a moment. "Please, don't do this Isaac. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I can't explain myself but I can promise that—"

Isaac shook his head and pulled Scott into a hug. His heart ached and longed to believe Scott, but he knew he couldn't. He knew he deserved everything that Scott could not give him. "I need to go," he said quietly, breathing in Scott's cologne for the last time. "We're over, Scott."

Scott ripped himself from Isaac's hug and angrily wiped his tears away. He grabbed his car keys from the kitchen table, and without a word, Scott left the apartment.


Lydia opened the cap of her lotion bottle as she sat down on the bed. She peeled the white towel from her body and lathered her bare skin, starting from her legs and working her way up her arms. She had picked a vanilla-bean scent, which was one of her favorites.

She smiled to herself as she rubbed the lotion onto her growing belly, which was already quite big. She began to hum the tune of a song that she heard on her way home as she put more lotion onto herself.

There was a light knock on the bedroom door, and Lydia looked up. Stiles opened the door a crack and asked if he could come in. She told him that he could and he gently closed the door behind him.

"Where have you been?" she asked curiously while wrapping her towel back around her naked body. He stood in front of her and placed a kiss onto her wet hair, on the top of her head.

"I went out with Jacob after the party," he told her with a smile. "But that's all I can tell you."

"Any strippers?" she teased, but really was dreading his answer.

"Of course not," he told her and began to massage her tense shoulders. They relaxed at his words. "Nothing like that at all, I promise." She smiled and leaned into his touch. "I showed him something that I want to keep secret until tomorrow night, after the wedding." She raised an eyebrow at him and he smirked. "You'll love it, Red."

He caressed her cheek and placed a kiss onto her nose. Lydia reached out to him and placed both of her hands onto the sides of his face. She placed a chaste kiss onto his lips and smiled even more.

"I can't wait for tomorrow," she told him.

"Me too, Baby," he murmured.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2021 ⏰

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