Chapter Eight: Release Your Curse, Cause I Know My Worth

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I boredly sat on Tumblr, scrolling through my timeline, when all of a sudden, I had this random idea to go to the “#babyhowell” tag. The screen loaded to reveal pictures of Dan, Daniel, and I, rants, posts, and comments on Daniel and me.

But then one caught my eye.

I think Dan should get a DNA test on his “son.” If you look here, this photo shows that Dan and Daniel look NOTHING alike. Daniel has a darker skin tone, and it does not match Dan’s nor does it match Persephone’s. If you also look, here’s a photo showing Persephone with a male subject during her pregnancy. Does this mean Persephone left Dan for her baby’s father, only to return when he ditched her? 
 We can’t let Persephone hurt OUR Dan. Dan Howell, get a DNA test, because, in Maury’s words, YOU ARE NOT THE FATHER!

 I stared at it, tears rolling down my face.

 “D-Dan!” I screamed, shaking uncontrollably

 I heard rushed footsteps, and the door burst open. I glanced over to see Dan racing towards me, worry on his features. I simply pointed at my screen, scooting over and crying. Dan sat down, wrapping me in his arms and reading.

 I saw his facial expression turn from worry to anger. His grip tightened on me as he looked at the photos, glaring at the screen. He suddenly slammed the laptop shut, tossing it onto the ground. He turned to me and held me to him, shushing me quietly, rubbing my back. My tears soaked his black Eclipse shirt, his shirt balled in my hand.

 “W-why are t-they s-saying that?” I whimpered out

 Dan kissed my head, “Baby, I don’t know. That person was…vicious,”

 I glanced at him, pulling away, “You don’t believe them, do you?”

 Dan laughed at me, “Of course not silly! He or she clearly darkened Daniel’s skintone on purpose and that guy was PJ! They did it for attention, and to try to break my family apart,” Dan said, his voice cracking, “Why are my fans being like this…?”

 I looked at him in sadness, “They never actually liked me in the first place, Dan, they’re doing this to get rid of me,”

 He growled, “They should know you aren’t going anywhere, and neither is my baby,” He stood up abruptly, “I need to fix this. They can’t bully my family into leaving me,”

He turned to leave, but I grabbed his wrists, tears cascading down my cheeks, “Dan, please, don’t, you’ll only make it worse,” I pleaded

 His gaze softened, and he bent down, kissing me softly, “I’m making this better. They can’t do this, I won’t let them hurt my family,”

 I gave up, knowing he’d try to stop it anyway, so I just nodded, curling up on the bed and crying into my pillow. I stared at my laptop, knowing Dan would kill me if I got on. I stood up shakily, heading into Daniel’s room.

 I saw him sleeping on his back, his face twitching a bit. I smiled widely, feeling my shitty mood fade away as he sensed my presence and opened his eyes. I reached down gently into the crib, bringing his delicate body into my arms. I stared down at him; grabbing his tiny hand and feeling his fingers grip my index finger. He was still little, barely over two and a half weeks old, so his grip was weak.

 “Hey there Danny,” I cooed, his tiny eyes looking around and finally resting on me.

 “You know Mommy and Daddy love you unconditionally, right?” I asked, knowing I’d get no response, “So when you’re older, and you see anything bad about us on the internet—if it’s even there—don’t believe it. Don’t let them get to you, because I won’t let them hurt you, and neither will Daddy,” I kissed his forehead, feeling the tears well in my eyes again, “Nobody can hurt my family without going through me,”

 I heard footsteps approaching me, so I turned around slowly, seeing Dan behind me. He smiled at me lovingly, looking at Daniel, who was slowly drifting off. He wrapped me in his arms, putting his right hand underneath Daniel’s head, his arm on my waist. I leaned into him, resting my head on his chest. I sighed contently, all my worries dead and gone for now.

After a while, Daniel fell asleep and I laid him back down. Dan had typed out a giant rant for his “fans,” and we now explaining the whole situation to Crystal and Phil, who were just as outraged as Dan was. Crystal felt more sympathetic towards me, because she knew I didn’t need this drama in my life.

 After that, I hid myself in Dan’s room, just crying, staring out the window. Letting my own thoughts take over me, let them control me. Dan and the gang had been trying to knock me out of this trance I’m in, but it’s useless. Crystal finally told them that I’ll come out of it on my own, no matter the length of time. 

 So now Dan was sitting beside me, holding me, while I stared quietly out the window, tears still streaming down my face. Dan was quiet, just letting me wallow in my own misery. That is, until I turned around slowly, wrapping my arms back around him, my face buried in his neck.

 He was startled at first, dozing off slightly, but his grip tightened as he felt me move. He was looking down at me as I played with his shirt collar, his hand rubbing my back comfortingly. I moved my eyes to his, tears still flowing freely.

 “I’m sorry,” I mumbled, my voice raspy

 He half-smiled, “Don’t be, I understand,”

 “I don’t think you do,” I replied truthfully, feeling very small in his embrace

 He sighed, kissing my forehead, “You’re right, but I know how bad you must be feeling right now. And it’s alright, I’m here,” He said

 I smiled a little, my eyes sparkling, “I know, and that makes everything better,”

 He smiled back, resting his chin on my temple, his hand slipping up the back of my shirt comfortingly. I sighed contently, tangling my fingers in his sleeve. I nuzzled my nose in his collarbone, a chuckle escaping his throat.

 I looked up and pressed my lips to his softly, my heart pounding in my chest. He moved me to sit on his waist, his hands holding my hips as I bent down to kiss him. One arm was holding me up, my free hand touching his cheek.

 I pulled away, resting my forehead on his, “I love you,”

 “I love you too.” He replies

I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora