Chapter Four - Welcome Back Home, Persephone (EDITED)

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Two long days later, I and Daniel were given the OK to leave. Because I was still sore from pushing, limping was all I could do. I had to get my stitches removed in two weeks as well, just adding onto my already hectic schedule.

 Dan’s been amazing though. He hasn’t left the hospital except to shower and eat, and since Daniel was in the nursery most of the time, Dan’s been taking tutorials with some nurses on how to change diapers, clothes, and to feed from bottles. It was impressive, seeing Dan so…non-lazy for once.

 Crystal and Phil had visited as much as they could, taking the cutest little photos of all of us when they could. They’ve made little vlogs as well, which Crystal would put on her YouTube channel after Dan announced the birth of Daniel. Which Dan agreed to do when Daniel was at least two weeks old.

 But the whereabouts of I and Daniel was still unclear. I didn’t know if I was returning back home with Dan and Phil, or with my parents. I’d have to discuss it before I leave the hospital, because Daniel has to have a home before I do.

 Dan walked back into my hospital room, his brown hair straightened and swept to the side. His brown eyes sparkled as he walked towards me, smiling, and those dimples of his protruding. Jesus, Daniel was blessed with those dimples.

 “Hey sweetheart,” Dan said, giving me a tight hug

 “Hey hun. We get to leave today!” I cheered

 “About that…I talked to your parents. They agreed to let you come home with me, so we can work on us and Daniel can have both his parents at his side,” Dan explained hesitantly, “That is, if you want to come home with us,”

 I smiled widely at him, clapping in happiness, “Of course I want too!”

 His smile returned, his eyes shining, “Really?”

 “Yes, Dan. I totally don’t want to rebuild what we have and not let Daniel have a daddy,” I said sarcastically

 Dan rolled his eyes, “You sarcastic twat,”

 “So when do you want to leave?” I asked, trying to sit up

 “Whenever you’re ready.” Dan replied, helping me sit up, much to my dismay

 “Can we go now? I hate it here and I want to see if I can walk properly yet,” I whined

An hour later, we had returned back to Dan’s flat. Daniel was in a car-seat, sleeping soundly. I walked inside, setting him down on the floor, picking him up and into my arms. He whimpered quietly, nuzzling into my neck. I smiled, rubbing his back and walking back to Dan’s room.

 I opened the door, looking around. Nothing had changed from the last time I was here, besides being messier and more boyish. But the billboard of photos and band posters I put up were still there, accenting the white walls.

 “Crystal and Phil are out for a bit. They went to your parent’s house to get the baby equipment for the baby room,” Dan said from behind me

 I turned to see him in the doorway, Daniel drooling on my skin, sleeping soundly, “They didn’t have to do that. I would have happily gone to get it myself,” I scoffed

 Dan smirked, walking towards me. He leans down, as if to kiss me, but only blows a raspberry on Daniel's cheek, "I want the baby," 

"You're mean," I laugh 

 I carefully handed the baby over, letting Dan cradle him. He cooed to him, sitting on his bed. I smiled, grabbing my phone, snatching a picture, and heading out of the room. I dialed my mom’s number, hearing her cheery voice on the other side of the phone.

I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now