Chapter Ten - Lucky

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I was lying on the couch, watching TV, with a sleeping Daniel resting on my chest. My right hand was underneath his bum, cradling him so he wouldn’t fall or slip. I had stayed up with Daniel all night, since he was sick with colic. He was crying in pain, and it broke I and Dan’s hearts. Dan stayed up half of the night, finally passing out completely around 3 AM. 

 I was dozing off, and I heard Daniel hiccup. My eyes whipped open, and I saw him opening his eyes. He looked around, and reached out weakly to grab my finger. I smiled, his little fingers fisted around my index finger. I kissed his little bald head, my eyes pricking with tears.

 “You’re so precious,” I whispered, Daniel hiccupping again, “Just like your father. How was I so lucky to have an amazing boyfriend and son?” I whispered

 “I think the real question, is how I was so lucky to have you both?” Dan said, appearing from his room

 I glanced over at him, almost finding myself lost in his brown eyes, “No, incorrect my love,” I winked, getting up and taking Daniel to his crib

 I felt arms wrap around my waist as I laid him down, turning around to see Dan staring down at me, my hands on his chest. He leaned down and pecked my nose, making me giggle and swat him away. He laughed, before leading me out of the room to our room.

 “C-can we talk about everything that happened when you got pregnant…I feel like having a confessional moment,” Dan asked, sitting me on his lap on our bed

 I nodded, “What do you want to know?”

 “Everything. From the moment you found out till the moment he was born,”

 “Well…when I first found out, it was from a doctor. When he told me I was pregnant, I just broke down in tears. I was more worried about your well-being then my own. I made the decision to just leave in our driveway, telling Crystal the news. She kept it all a secret, just for me.

 I stayed with my parents, and I felt so much more guilt. You weren’t going to be there to hear his heartbeat, his first kick, his birth, his first ultrasound. And it was my entire fault.” I felt tears well in my eyes, and I stared into his eyes, “You’ll never know how much I regret leaving. If I could take it all back I would. I’m so sorry,”

 He wrapped his arms around me, shushing me quiet, planting kisses on my nude shoulders. I hugged his neck, my nose buried in the crook of his neck. He rubbed my lower back, humming to me slightly. Tears were silently flowing down my face, and I started fingering through his hair.

 “You know I don’t resent you for anything. You know it’s all okay, you know I’ll always love you. Daniel’s one of the best things to ever happen to me, and even if I missed all the important stuff, I’m here for him now. And I’ll always be his dad,” He said in my ear, playing with my shirt.

 I moved my head, glancing down at him, finding his eyes closed, forehead rested against my chest. His eyes fluttered open, meeting my gaze. He reached up, kissing me softly. I kissed back, before pulling away, resting my forehead on his. He looked at my blue eyes, his brown ones flickering.

 “How was giving birth?” He chuckled

 “A bitch,” I laughed

 “Nice description. Was there anything that went wrong?” Dan asked seriously

 “Besides me tearing and almost dying of blood loss, nope. He came out completely healthy. As long as he was okay, I really didn’t care if I died. But now I’m here, and I never want to leave. Hurt like a fucking bitch though, he had a gigantic fucking head man,”

 Dan laughed, “I imagine. I’m just really glad I’m here now, so if I get a chance to have another child, I’d be there,”

 My eyes widened, “You’d want another child?”

 “Well of course! One baby is just not enough! Four is my limit,” Dan exclaimed

 “With….me?” I stuttered

 “Well of course. You’re the love of my life. I don’t see myself with anybody else but you, Persephone. And we make cute babies together okay,” Dan concluded

 “I love you so much,” I said before claiming his lips with mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer.

 “What would I do without you?” Dan asked

 “Same question goes to you,” I said against his parted lips

 “We’ll never know, will we?”

 “I don’t want to know,”


I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now