Chapter Five - Lazy Days Like These (EDITED)

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The first few days of living at home with everyone again were pretty amazing. Daniel, being the little angel I was a child, didn’t cry as much as a normal newborn did. Dan, Phil, and Crystal had to go accustomed to a newborn around the house, whereas I didn’t, since I was fifteen when my baby brother was born.

 Dan had literally tried to spend every living second with either me or Daniel, or both at the same time. He adored Daniel; I’d sometimes catch him just asleep with Daniel on his chest. It was the cutest thing ever; it took everything in me not to squeal. So I’d just take a picture and casually walk away with a huge smile on my face.

 As of now, I was sitting in Crystal and Phil’s room, listening to the radio and dressed in our pajamas. I was straightening Crystal’s natural curly hair, both of us gossiping immensely like we used to before I left. Crystal had already done my makeup for me, lining my eyes with my favorite smoky eye look.

 “Crsytalllll, why does your hair have to be so fucking curly?!” I demanded, fighting with the kinked up curls

 She laughed, “Blame my momma, darling,”

 “Okay fine I’ll call her later and demand why your hair isn’t straight,” I teased

 “She wouldn’t care so it’d be uneventful!” Crystal retorted

 “That’s not what she said last night,” I smirked

 She scoffed, “What did I tell you about fucking with my momma? That is not okay. She has my daddy for that, bitch,” Crystal joked

 “OKAY TOO MUCH CRYSTAL WAY TOO MUCH!” I laughed, clamping a strand of her hair in the hot plates

 “You’re the one who’s fucking with my momma.” Crystal shrugged

 “What am I gonna do with you Crystal?”

 “Love me and make me food?” Crystal smiled cheekily as I finished up her hair, brushing through it and spritz some protectant on her hair

 I groaned, “Fine but you have to come with me,” I said, tying my hair up into a high bun and pulling on my bunny slippers since the ground was cold

 I observed myself in the mirror, sporting some bootyshorts and one of Dan’s white tanks. I looked so trashy, it was hilarious. And Crystal was sporting one of Phil’s shirts, and some of my shorts with her bear slippers.

 “We are so trashy,” Crystal laughed, reading my mind

 “Then we must take a picture, duh!” I proclaimed

 She squealed, and pulled out her phone. I purposely jutted out my left hip, doing the peace sign and smiling at the camera as Crystal did the ducklips on purpose and bent down and posed weirdly. She snapped it, and we ended up laughing our asses off at the outcome. She sent it to me, and I placed it as my lock-screen.

 I opened the door to her bedroom, before feeling her hop onto my back. I huffed, losing my balance momentarily before hearing her cry, “Carry me! I’m lazy!”

 I groaned, latching onto her thighs and thrusting her up, getting a better grip on her. I moaned in fake agony—she was hardly heavy—and then slowly walked.

 “Giddy up you slowpoke!” She cried

 “Want me to run and you scream like an Indian?” I offered

 She gasped, and then nodded. She grabbed my Indian hat and a fake torch prop, before nodding to me. I took off into a sprint, hearing her scream battle cries and fling the torch around in circles. I was laughing uncontrollably as we reached the main hallway to the living room, seeing Dan and Phil looking at us in alarm.

I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now