Chapter Two - The Truth Revealed (EDITED)

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(Dan’s POV)
 “Oh my god…” I gaped, turning away from the door.

 Crystal turned around slowly, the color draining from her face. Her eyes flickered with fear, and she covered her mouth, “Oh god," 

 “Crystal, what the fuck is going on?” I demanded

 She looked around the room, avoiding my gaze, “I’m so sorry, Dan,” She whimpered out, finally meeting my eyes. 

 “Crystal. What’s going on?” I asked

 “P-Persephone will have to tell you. Go in there,” She said, pointing to the door, “It’s okay,”

 I gulped, and placed my hand on the door-handle. I took a deep breath, before opening up the door. Persephone had just finished placing the baby in a crib, before glancing up, and she froze in place as she saw me. Our eyes locked as I saw the tears fill her brown orbs. Her lip quivers as she mutters out:

(Persephone’s POV)
I stared at the man in the doorway, who wore a look of utter sadness. Those beautiful brown eyes were watching me carefully, his shoulder slumped as he broke into tears. He ran towards me, and threw his arms around me. I let out a choked sob, hugging him as tight as I possibly could. My heart was pounding, tangling my fingers in his hair. I was racked with sobs, my body shaking. He sat beside me, holding me properly. He stroked my back, his muscles clenched around me.

 “Dan…” I whimpered

 “Ssh, it’s okay sweetheart. I’m here,” He replied, his voice raspy

 “I’m so sorry,” I cried, grabbing his shirt, clenching it in my hand.

 “Don’t worry about it. What matters is we’re together,” He said, his voice dripping with hope

 I pulled away, looking into his eyes. I stroked his cheek, brushing a bit of his hair out of his eyes. He bit his lip, his arms still around my waist. I leaned forward, and captured his lips with mine. He froze for a moment, before reacting. He cradled my cheeks, holding me in place. His lips molded over mine perfectly. I pulled away, crying into my hands. Dan hugged me again, his lips placing themselves on my shoulder. He rubbed my back, shushing me comfortingly.

 “Its gonna be okay, honey. I won’t let you go again,” Dan said quietly.

 “D-Dan, I have some explaining to do, don’t I?” I whimpered

 Dan looked at me and sighed, “Of course you do.” He said

 “This may be a while. But I’ll start from the day I actually left. I had been experiencing vomiting in the morning, as you knew. But I was always tired, which isn’t normal. I thought it was just because I was always throwing up, but then I missed my period. Something wasn’t right,”

 He looked at me in confusion, and I took a deep breath, “I went to the doctor. They ran some tests…Dan…I was pregnant,” I felt my heart pang at the horrible memory, “So I returned home in tears. I was a mess. I knew a baby would destroy your career, and I wouldn’t let that happen. I couldn’t let that happen to you, or Phil, or the fans.

 “I made the decision to just leave. I had told Crystal what happened, and she agreed to keep it a secret. Everything in that letter I wrote you Dan was true. I had to leave to protect you; I left because I love you. Little did I know, it’d destroy me in the aftermath. Keeping this entire fiasco a secret was hard, because I would see your fans on the streets, and they’d recognize me. They’d ask about you, and it’d made me feel horrid.
 And now we’re here.”

 I explained, sniffling. Dan looked at me thoughtfully, before wrapping me up in his arms. I nestled myself into his neck, breathing in his scent. I melted into his touch, hearing him mumble, “You’d never destroy anything. I love you, and whatever I helped create, is my duty as well. I never, ever, want you to say you’ll ruin my career. Because it’s never going to be true,”

 I broke out into a fit of sobbing, this time of happiness. I clenched him tighter, my heart pounding. He chuckled, trying to move me to his lap. I hissed in pain, and pulled away quickly. He looked at me confusedly.

 “Oh you know, just pushed out a baby. No biggie,” I said sarcastically

 “Oh you sarcastic twat,” Dan laughed, sticking his tongue out

 I leaned my forehead against his, smiling, “I love you so much,” I whispered

 He smiled, kissing my lips softly, “I love you so much more,” He replied

 “I-I’m so sorry,” I whimpered, stroking his cheek

 “Stop apologizing. I understand why you left. It’s all come into place.” I felt his lips on mine again briefly, before he pulled away, “Where is he?” Dan asked

 I looked at him in confusion, “Who?”

 Dan laughed, his brown eyes sparkling, “Our son!”

 I gasped, and then realized. I reached over to pull the crib closer, muttering, "There's someone who wants to meet you,"

 Dan turned, and then got to his feet.
(Dan’s POV)
I approached the crib, seeing a little blue blob inside. I looked down, and saw a pale skinned, wrapped up newborn baby. He was sleeping soundly, and I looked to Persephone, who was watching me curiously. She smiled.

 “Can I hold him?” I asked quietly

 She chuckled, “Of course you can. He is your son,” She said

 I smiled, and carefully stuck my hand underneath his back. I pulled him up into my arms, putting my hands in the correct position. I went to sit down beside Persephone on her bed, when he opened his eyes. I gasped in shock.

 He had my eyes. I never thought my eyes could be that beautiful on a baby, but it was possible. Because he was mine.

 “Oh my god Persephone…he’s beautiful. We did good,” I laughed

 I looked at the rest of his features. My eyes, Persephone’s skin tone, my lips, Persephone’s nose, my ears, Persephone’s long eyelashes. I couldn’t tell what color hair he’d have, since all babies are born with black hair. Either he’ll get my brown hair or Persephone’s blonde hair. I’m hoping for the brown, so I’ll have my own little clone.

 Wait. That sounded really weird.

 I was smiling uncontrollably, glancing over at Persephone, who was watching me, smiling and crying of happiness. I felt her hand cover mine, and I scooted over, careful not to scare the baby. She leaned her head on my shoulder, holding the baby with me.

 “What were you gonna name him?” I asked quietly

 “Daniel James-Michael,” She muttered quietly.

 I gaped at her. She wanted to name him after me and Phil? “R-really? After me and Phil?” I stuttered out

 Her cheeks flushed with red, and she looked away, “Yes. I wanted to be reminded of you two, because I didn’t plan on coming back to you. He was the only piece I had left of you, besides the memories and the things we shared,” She mumbled

 I leaned over, and kissed her softly. She kissed back, smiling, “Thank you. Daniel James-Michael Howell it is!” I said in triumph

 “H-Howell?” She stuttered

 “Yeah, what about it?” I said, raising my eyebrow at her

 “You’re gonna give him your last name?”

 “Of course I am. We’re a family now,”

 She smiled, her cheeks flushing red again.

 I knew right then, that this would finally be alright.

I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora