Chapter One - MotherShitFuck (EDITED)

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“Baby, are you ever going to tell Dan?” My mum asked quietly

 I looked at her with fear, “No, mom, he’ll hate me for sure. I don’t want him to hate our son,” I whimpered

 “You need to tell him sooner or later. He can’t be absent from his child’s life forever,” She said

 I sighed, going to reply. But I froze. Because I felt something inside me snap, and it was audible, “What was that?” My mom asked curiously

 I stared at her with panic-stricken eyes, “M-mum, come here,” I whimpered, and she looked at me worriedly

 “What’s wrong sweetheart?”

 I looked down at my stomach, before feeling a surge of pain hit me. I groaned, doubling over. She gasped, and then I saw the puddle of water forming around the chair I was sitting in. She disappeared, screaming for my family. I felt my heart started to beat faster, my body going into shock.

 “We have to get you to the hospital,” Mum demanded, helping me stand, “Derek! Get the suitcase! Her water broke!” She screamed

 I heard quick footsteps coming towards us, and my sister, brother, and Dad were all waiting, things in their hands. My dad was worried as hell, you could tell by his features. My sister was excited, my brother excited as well. All the while I thought I was going to die from the pain I went through.

 “Someone call Crystal, please,” I pleaded, tears filling my eyes

 My sister yanked out her phone, going to her contacts. She put the phone to her ear, babbling to Crystal, who was screaming on the other line. I was too scared to comprehend what was happening, the pain in my body taking over my mind. All I felt was the rush of contractions surrounding my body.

I let out another cry, being helped to the car. I saw Crystal’s car behind us, and I was laid in the backseat, my feet in my brother’s lap, and my head in my sister’s lap. I was doing my breathing exercises I learned, trying to stay calm. But I knew I wouldn't be calm.

This baby was coming.

 "Come on baby, I need you to push," The doctor spoke, hands resting on my knees

"I can't!" I sobbed, "It hurts!" 

"I know it hurts, but you put all that screaming into pushing, you hear me?" He replies

I take a deep breath, pushing onto my pelvis as I let out a piercing scream, before relief flooded through me. It was silent, before a shrill was heard. The little boy I had been raising was finally here. The doctors took him away almost immediately after he came out, I didn’t even get a glance. And to be honest, I was scared to see him. I knew he’d look just like Dan, and it’d tear me apart.

My mom kissed my forehead, "I'm so proud of you," 

I looked at Crystal, who was sitting beside me, cleaning me up a little, “How’s he doing?”

She looked down, sighing, “Not so good, Persephone. He’s destroyed still. He can’t get over the fact that you just up and left him,” She explained, “He needs you, sis,”

I looked away, tears of guilt filling my eyes, “I needed to do what was best for him. A baby would’ve ruined his entire career. Look at him, over a million subscribers. He’s doing so well, he didn’t need a baby to weigh him down,” I whispered

 “We both know he loved you with all his heart, Persephone. He would’ve loved his son the same amount, if you would’ve let him know,” Crystal said

 I glared at her, and sighed, “I know he loved me. I love him so much it hurts. This is why I chose to do it. I wouldn’t let him get destroyed by my own mistake,”

I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora