Chapter 11 - Complications

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"Dan, I'm worried," I mumble while both of us lie in bed, naked under the covers

"Why?" He replies, absentmindedly caressing my arm with his fingertips

"Daniel hasn't spoken yet, and he's almost a year," I sigh, "Most babies talk at around five months," I roll onto my stomach, my breasts resting on his chest as I stare at him

He glances at me, "Do you think there's something wrong with him?"

"I mean, maybe mentally. He's such a great baby, I can't see something being seriously wrong with him,"

"We'll call the doctor tomorrow okay, I can barely keep my eyes open," Dan smirks

I laugh, "Alright, go to sleep you noun,"

"What seems to be the problem buddy?" Dr. Morris asks

"He hasn't spoken and he doesn't react to certain things other babies do," I respond, playing with Daniel's shirt that he soiled with crushed carrots

"How long has this been going on?"

"We've just noticed it to be honest," Dan replies, rubbing my back

"Well I'm just gonna run some tests and see if we can fix your baby boy," She smiles, before picking him up and taking him into another room

The tears burst from my eyes as I start to sob. Dan wraps his arms around me and tries to calm me, but I'm terrified. What if my baby is sick? What if he's dying? What if he's deaf? What if he won't live long?

"Hey, sssh, everything's gonna be okay," Dan coos into my ear

"Dan you don't know that. What if he's dying?" I sob

Dan almost laughs, "Babe, he's not dying. He's alive and well. We've just hit a developmental bump in the road,"

"Dan, I'm scared," I whimper

"I know, I am too,"

"Well guys, it's not good news," Dr. Morris says as she reenters the room with a crying Daniel

"What's wrong with him?"

"The tests were negative to a disease, but your son has autism,"

My heart stopped beating, and the world became dark.

I Won't Give Up (A danisnotonfire Love Story) *UNDERGOING EDITING*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz