The Forgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 4

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After that, the meal proceeded awkwardly. Some small talk, some more talk about the project and it's finances and bureaucracy. But Lilliana was mostly quiet.

They all got up and were led into a different room where some proceeded to drink coffee and others whiskey. Lilliana didn't enjoy whiskey so much, but she was tempted in pouring some, it had been a hard couple of days. Years. Hours. Deciding against it, she found in this moment an opportunity to escape. She left to another room that seemed like an exhibition space that wasn't being used. Some construction equipment laying around. Maybe this could be where part of her exhibit would be. Having a part of her discovery in the Great Cairo Museum gave her a good thrill.

- So that's where you have been hiding. - he said in his unbelievable smooth voice that sent shivers down her spine.

She turned around. He was leaning by the door. God, he was really gorgeous. Will she ever get used to it?

- Why do you always look at me as if you are seeing a ghost? - he asked.

- I don't know. Am I?

He just smiled at her. He had never smiled at her before. It was breathtaking.

- Thanks for helping me in there. I wasn't getting nowhere so soon I'm afraid.

- I apologize, - he said. - if I seemed too patronizing. I didn't want to get involved but Mr. Johnson is a... how do you say it...

- Impertinent. - she tried.

- Asshole.

It was her time to smile.

- He kind of is.

He left the door to sit by her in a bench in the middle of the room.

- If you did it so I would let you come to the opening though... you're totally invited. - she said.

He laughed and looked at her, his elbows on his knees and his hair falling in this forehead. She remembered how soft it felt in her hands. When she pulled it in the middle of her fits of passion.

- I did it because I intend to invest in your discovery, Miss. Robinson, but not to control it. You have free reign for my part.

She released a big breath.

- Thank you. It means a lot.

She noticed he was wearing a button down, deep blue shirt, the sleeves pulled up and carefully arranged in his forearms, so muscular. His biceps although hidden by the shirt, show being very sculpted. His legs were clamped in perfectly fitted black trousers that shown his muscular thighs. How could he be so perfect? Like he really had walked out from her wildest dreams.

- Mr. Khalid?

- Call me Seth, please.

- Right. - she would call him sweetheart if he kept asking her like that. - Have we meet before?

He turned his dark eyes to her. She noticed that in the sun they were actually deep dark blue. She never saw anyone with this eye color before, not that she would notice.

He turned his head and stared at her for a long time, as if deciding what to say.

- Not in this life time. - he decided.

- What does that supposed to mean? - she asked confused.

- Means I would remember if we have.

- Right. Sorry. I was just confused.

- Why?

She looked at him.

- Because it seems like I've known you.

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