The Forgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 11

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Lilliana spent the rest of her day grumpy about her leg and about not being able to stop looking at her phone. She had imagined he would send her a message to check on her or confirm he would take her to the site tomorrow, but nothing happened. And she couldn't even use this as an excuse to send him a message cause she didn't bother as for his number. She guessed he would add her number right away.


Maybe he was busy, after all she kept him the whole afternoon. Maybe he didn't understand he could message her. Or maybe he just wasn't that interested. Maybe he finally had enough of her bullshit. All this together with her annoying leg that was now hurting like hell and kept her from doing stuff like she would normally do, put her in a horrible mood. Taking a shower and changing. The bandages had been a nightmare.

Now she was trying to sleep and couldn't find a good position. Also the shot effect had clearly passed and the pills weren't kicking in yet. It hurt and burn. Besides, it was a hot, humid night.

And then her phone lit up. Unknown ID.

Hello Lilliana,

I hope this message will find you in good health. It would be my honor to pick you up and giving you a ride tomorrow. I hope 8 o clock it's acceptable for you. Good night. Seth Khalid.

Did he send me a letter? She smiled at his message.

Hey Seth. - she sent him.

After a moment he responded.

Are you there?

Yes, I'm here.

And 8 it's acceptable. Thanks. Can I call you, now?

Yes, you can.

She add his number and called.

- Hello.

- Hey. I thought this would be faster than waiting for you to type.

- This is still very strange to me.

- I noticed. - she teased.

She heard him sigh.

- My message was not acceptable, right?

- Well. It was more like a letter. You don't need to be so formal in messages.

He sighed again.

- What?

- It took me an hour to write you a message you responded in 5 seconds.

She laughed.

- Sorry. Well, I thought you forgot me. After all that drama of getting my phone, it took you five hours to reached out.

- Were you counting? - it was his time to tease.

- No. But I was waiting for your messenger to knock at my door at any minute.

He laughed.

- Right. I thought you would be sleeping by now, after all that happened today.

- Well, I was trying, but my damn leg won't let me.

- Are you in pain?

- Yeah, a bit. I think the shot I took ran out and the pills are not that strong, or take a bit to kick in.

- I'm sorry.

- That's ok.

- You must be tired.

She didn't want to say that just the sound of his voice was relaxing her.

- Not so much.

They stayed silent for a bit and she listened to him moving on his bed.

- Are you in bed?

- Certainly. Aren't you?

- Yes...

She didn't want to think about him on his bed, but now was all your mind was conjuring. She suddenly wanted to know what he was wearing, what kind of sheets he was laying on, if he was naked. She had to bit her lip not to ask it.

- Is this weird?

- A little. But I just don't wanna impose if you are in bed.

- For me everything about this is weird and you are also in bed.

- Right. Just seemed too personal.

- In my time. The only way people could talk while in bed would be much more personal than this.

She laughed.

They talk for a little while about little nothings, when he noticed she seemed sleepy.

- You are falling sleep, love. - he said in his velvety voice.

- Hum?

- I think it's time to say goodbye.

- Right. Thank you for calling me. I see you tomorrow?

- You will.

- Ok. Good night.

- Good night.

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