The Forgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 15

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On the weeks to come, Seth obeyed her and never shown up at the site, or even tried to reach out to her. Which after the worst of her anger dissipated, she kinda of expected him to do. But he really didn't. So after a week, she stopped hoping he would and actually convinced herself it was for the best.

Three weeks passed, and she still couldn't take the scene she interrupted at the club bathroom out of her head. Her friends didn't ask her about it or even mentioned him, for which she was thankful. And every time he reached out to talk about business, he would call directly Mr. Parker.

But the problem was the presentation ball was coming up and although she could ignore his existence at the site or in her life, he as one of the main investors would have to attend.

Lilliana spent her time organizing the capsule exposition for the ball. She thought of ideas of how to introduce her discovery to the world, putting together a group of pieces to be carefully treated and exposed, and how everything would be displayed with safety for the artifacts and grandiosity for the visitors.

She kinda expected to see him around at some point, since she spent a huge part of the last weeks in the Cairo museum, logistically organizing everything, but she didn't. And the worst part was that she didn't know if she felt more relief or disappointment.

Lilliana was never so much for partying or dressing up, but she had to invest some time in finding a dress this time. After all, she was the heart of the party. It bothered her that every time she found something she liked the final thought that would cross her mind was if he would like it. And that made her reject every one of the dresses she'd tried on. She really wasn't much for formal dressing and every opportunity she had to skip those occasions she would. Until, now.

She finally found a dress she liked a few days prior. It was a very beautiful red gown that made her feel powerful. That's how she wanted to feel that night, because she would need all the confidence she could muster to face him again.

The gown was a deep red almost burgundy. The top was corset like with some transparency down her middle and off the shoulders puffy 3/4 sleeves of the same red gauze fabric of the skirt. The skirt was full, but not too much to make her look like a cake. It had enough red gauze to make it a gown and tiny little sparkles that shined as she moved. The back was lower than the front with lace up strings down her back. It had a deep slit that came to her middle thighs, but since the skirt was so full it didn't show much.

She felt good in that dress, comfortable, fabulous and confident, nothing like the last dress she bought before going to the club that night. A dress that said, I'm a fabulous woman and serious, successfully archeologist.

She spent the whole day of the ball supervising the event being put together until Mr. Parker arrived and dragged her away from there saying she would be late. And she would. She put her hair up, letting some strands falling around her face and down her back. She did her make up to match her dress with sultry eyes and red lips. And put on fabulously high heels she had also bought for the occasion.

Before leaving her house, she looked herself at the long mirror in her bedroom and sighed. That would be the only moment she would allow herself to be nervous tonight. That was her night. And nothing would spoil that, not her shitty self esteem, not any man. Or so she thought.

She took a deep breath and left her house, to the night that would change everything.

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