The Forgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 12

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- I'm coming.

Lilliana said after hearing a knock on her door, cause she knew it would take her a long time to get there.

When she opened the door, she was a complete mess. Her hair was everywhere because she didn't have enough time to put it on a ponytail, before hopping around. Her clothes were all disheveled because she couldn't balance in one leg time enough to fix them.

And when she opened the door, he was there looking fresh and gorgeous. Wet hair and perfect clothes. And huge grin.

- I love it when you say that to me.

Lilliana blushed and hopped way pretending she didn't listen.

- I'm sorry I'm late. Taking a shower with this leg was a nightmare.

- Well, maybe I could help next time. - he flirted.

- Yeah, I'm tired. I might be taking you up on that. I may invite you to live with me from now on so you can carry me around.

She said while she was closing the door. He just thrown his head back and laughed.

When she leaned into him expecting him to lift her up, he just stared at her and lift on eyebrow.

- I thought you didn't like me to carry you.

- Yeah, that was yesterday. I'm exhausted to hop around and my damn leg kept waking me up every time I moved through the whole night. Then, I am too tired to care about my ego. So you can carry me around everywhere all day for all I care. Besides, imagine the thrill your servants would feel to see you, the almighty powerful pharaoh having to carry a simple peasant girl around. I owe them that much.

He laughed again before lifting her up, and holding her very close to his body. He took her to his car and 5 minutes into the drive she was fast asleep.

They worked at the excavation site for the whole morning, but she didn't come into the tomb though. At around 1PM, she told him, they could go. When he was taking her to the car she asked:

- Aren't you tired of carrying me around?

- I could never get tired of having you in my arms.

- Right. You need to stop that.

- What?

- Your flirting... I enjoy and all, but it's too... intense.

They got in the car and drove away. When they were reaching the town, he asked her if she was hungry and you like to get something to eat with him.

- Gosh, I can't believe you're always asking me out to eat when I look a mess. - she responded running her fingers through her hair, trying to fix all the strands falling off her pony.

- I can't believe that's the reason you don't accept.

- Well, not the only reason.

- In my eyes, you are always perfect.

She blushed profusely.

- I told you, Seth. Too intense.

- Right. aahm... Don't worry, babe. You're looking swell.

She just stared at him surprised for a while and bustle out laughing.

- You're learning modern ways too quickly.

- Well, I have a good counselor. And some examples to follow.

He look at her, waiting for her answer.

- Okay. - she finally answered. - But nothing fancy.

- You can choose the place.

Lillian was unsure of where to take him, and ended up deciding for a traditional Arabic restaurant not far from her neighborhood. Is was nothing fancy, but she guessed it would please him.

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