The Forgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 21

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When Lilliana left the bathroom after her shower, Seth was nowhere to be seen which she was glad of. She was pretty sure she was unable to look him in the eye after almost orgasming by having him unlace her dress. And even after a cold cold shower, putting on his clothes didn't help in controlling her nerves.

For a second, she didn't know what to do. Her body made the decision as a tiring sensation took over it. She laid down and as soon as her body hit the bed, she was asleep.

When she opened her eyes again, the night had flowed on. The sky was still dark, but getting lighter. She was good at telling the time by the night sky since she'd always wake up before dawn to excavate. According to it she guessed dawn was about two hours away.

After, she noticed her surroundings. She was not at her house at all. Memories of the night invaded her brain and her eyes went to the man sleeping next to her.

While she always sleeps on her belly, he was on his back. An arm under his head making his biceps budge. She noticed how the hard planes of his abdomen got even flatter when he was laying down, his shirt had come up revealing a sharp v shaped navel and a bit of hair that went down covered by his loose pants. His head was turned towards her, as if he was seeking her even in his sleep, even when maintaining his body as far as possible.

He looked so beautiful sleeping, that Lilliana was sure she could stare at him forever. His features lost all the harsh lines and he looked much younger than usually. His lips were softly parted and his breathing in a placid rhythm.

Lilly felt suddenly hot just by staring at him. She was wide awake now, as was her body. She was disappointed he didn't make a move after all the signals she gave him last night. And she knew she should be mad at him, but she didn't care. Her heart was beating fast in her chest and she was tired of fighting against her feelings.

She felt an unbearable desire to kiss him. No, not kiss, to be devoured by him while running her hands through his raven hair. She wandered if it is as soft as she remembered from her dream.

Unable to help herself, Lilliana put her hand to his face in a soft caress. Seth took a deep breath, his large chest going up and up and up, and opened his eyes, trying to blink his sleepiness away. Lilliana smiled cause she found it so cute, so human of the great Pharaoh to wake up rubbing his eyes like a child.

He looked at her frowning, his features returning to the severity of always. And before she would lose her courage, before she would completely lose the young cute Seth she had related to in the previous moments, she closed the space between them and kissed him, while running her fingers into the depths of his ebony hair.

He didn't kiss her back and when she pulled back to stare at him, his eyes were placid and she saw a younger Seth through them again. She giggled and locked their lips one more time. This time, she also brought her body to his side, pressing her body on his while leaning in to give him open-mouth kisses.

Seth put an arm around her waist and brought her even closer opening his lips to deepen the kiss. He moaned when her tongue invaded his mouth and his manhood got instantly hard. She made a move to throw her leg around his waist, but he stopped her and turned so they were both laying in their sides.

- Lilliana, you're drunk. - he said while getting overwhelmed by her kisses.

- I'm not drunk. Just kiss me. - she asked while holding his neck.

He turned his head escaping from her mouth, but she kept kissing his jaw line, going down his neck.

- I don't want to take advantage of you. - he said, moaning when she started to lick his chest.- Lilliana. - he took her by the shoulders and brought her back up to stare at her.

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