The Fotgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 8

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Lilliana spent all Sunday thinking about the night before. She had had fun and she had enjoyed it, which was uncommon for her and she suspected it was because of him. She was trying hard to convince herself that she didn't regret not giving him her phone number. She knew he could find it if he wanted, but he wouldn't. Sigh. She really had enjoyed their time together, and she had to admit she wanted more. Dangerous path, she thought. These are the hormones talking and last time she listen to her emotions over better judgment, she end up with her heart broken.

Thinking about last night, she wondered how it could be without all this craziness. If they have met under normal circumstances. If he had been born in this century no less.Well, he probably wouldn't have spare a glance towards her. Men like him never got interested in women like her. Sigh. But, he was interested. And man, was she? Every time he tried a more serious flirtation, her red flag went up and she ran. She was scared of give in and have her heart broken again. And a man like that would certainly break her heart, under normal circumstances, in this bat shit crazy situation, even worse.

Even so, she found herself thinking more and more about him during the day. He fascinated her. Not only cause he was incredibly handsome and sexy, but cause if he really was what he was saying, and that mean she was going bat shit crazy, he could unwind mysteries of ancient Egyptian civilization her colleagues couldn't even dream about. He could tell her everything. Of course she never had asked because she didn't want him to have any leverage. That's the reason why she didn't let him take her home as well. She didn't want to just end up in his bed, again. Besides all the love bullshit, he could pretty much decide she was not good enough or he was wrong about her and walk away. And she would not be the broken-hearted girl from whom they walk away again. Not this time, or anytime.

Also, he could pretty much disappear one day. Or she could wake up in a sanatorium. Either way, it was not worth it getting involved with him, was it? The sex: totally worth it. The broken heart: not so much. Maybe even the sex wouldn't be that good, after all, it's was a dream. But deep inside she knew it would and she caught herself wishing she would have that dream again.

She didn't but that didn't stop her from arriving late at the site next day. She missed her alarm and woke up nearly an hour late. She knew he would be there and she wanted to have some time to put some make up this morning and some better clothes, but all went down the drain. Which was good, she shouldn't care about this stuff. Cleaning up for a man, what an absurd. She had more important things to focus on.

All that denial, didn't stop her from putting on some lipstick on. And felling butterflies in her stomach when seeing his car in the parking spot. Shit. When she entered her tent, he was already there surrounded by a huge amount of people. That almost brought her down to reality, almost. Cause he gave her one of his easy smiles when she entered, she kept noticing he would only smile like that at her. Wishful thinking? And wished her a good morning in that velvety voice, that Mark would say, could make someone come. Nothing much had happened, but for some reason that time they had spend together now felt like shared a secret.

- Come on people. - he said standing up and closing the jacket of his expensive blue suit. - Let's give Miss Lilliana space to work. She doesn't want us intruding in her tent.

She could have interpreted this as an taunt to her scolding the other day and feel annoyed, but for some reason she felt it more like a love demonstration. She knew he was doing it for her and not to mock her. Her heart sped up as he walked out with all those people and she signed deep. I will NOT fall in love with him. I will NOT fall in love with him.

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