The Forgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 17

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Lilliana left the stage and walked straight to the bar, there she ordered a strong drink and swallowed in one gulp.

Damn, she had no right to feel as shit in the middle of her party. But she was feeling alone and not very confident, it seems that it doesn't matter how much she prepared for the bombs, they would always blow up in her face.

- Lilly?

As soon as she heard that voice, she was frozen in place. Shivers of cold ran down her spine and she was back at that restaurant 5 years ago. Sometimes she felt like she was still there. Frozen at that corner table, with a wine stained white cloth and an ice covered heart.

- Lilly? I can't believe it is you.

She turned to that voice she would recognize anywhere and there he was. Standing like a Greek statue right in front of her. And she was sure she would need another drink, so she order it.

He looked exactly like she remembered, tall and fair with blond waves falling gently over his eyes. He was taller and more handsome than she remembered though. Her heart started tumbling inside her chest. She had no reaction when he strode towards her and hugged her, lifting her up a bit and holding her tight.

- Will. - it was all she could muster while he held her, her tongue was as frozen as herself.

- Gosh, I just can't believe it! - he said, stepping back and looking at her, head to toe. While running his finger through his golden hair to push the strands out of his eyes. - You look amazing!

- William, what a surprise! What are you doing here? - she asked trying to smile and be cordial, but swallowing a huge gulp of her drink.

- I've come here for business and my boss sent me the invitation to check this event. It didn't really ring a bell it could be related to you.

- Right.

- But, oh my god! You actually did it! Congratulations! - he put his hands to her shoulders before hugging her again.

- Yes, I did. - she smiled.

- I feel bad now, I never thought you would.

- Right. I remember.

- But you did, and it's amazing and gosh, you look gorgeous.

Lilliana pushed a strand of hair back in her ear and blushed while murmuring thank you.

- It's very nice to see you. Maybe we could catch up, you know. I'm staying for a week or so. - he said pushing another strand behind her ear and letting his fingers skip down her neck slowly.

The sentence sounded innocent enough. Two old friends catching up, but knowing him she knew exactly what he meant.

-Right. How's your wife? - Lilliana said, with a harsh smile. She didn't want to mention her like that, but she wanted him to know she hadn't forgotten anything that passed between them.

The question seemed to sober him up a little.

- Jannie is fine. I'm not sure our marriage is that fine though.

- Well. Sorry to hear that.

- Are you? I was hoping you would be happy.

She noticed the double meaning he meant with it.

- No. I'd never be happy with your unhappiness Will. I remember how much you were in love with her.

If memory serves her right, she was almost sure that he fail to tell Janie their marriage was doing bad exactly how he had never mentioned to her while they were dating that he had met someone else.

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