The Forgotten Pharaoh - Chapter 16

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When Lilliana arrived a lot of important people were already there. She had little time to appreciate all her work before a she was being introduced and congratulated by several people.

It was the first time in a long time that she felt excited about the discovery. She had been bury in romantic feelings and her personal life, almost forgetting how big of a deal it was. So when every person that came to talk to her was as eager as herself to discuss about it and to get information from her, she actually felt happy and appreciated. Much different from that very first meeting, even Mr. Johnson was being pleasant.

She was so excited that for a moment she got distracted and let her guard down to what she knew would be the only thing that could affect her tonight.

From the possible sceneries she played it in her head for their reencounter, she never would have imagined what she saw. Because, when she finally saw him through the crowd it wasn't his presence that grabbed her attention, but of the woman in his arms.

She was very tall and mystically beautiful. Her perfect, glowy tan skin contrasted perfectly with the deep blackness of her almond eyes. Her long hair, soft as black feathers fell free and straight down her back, reaching her hips. She wore a dress of gold satin that shined like the metal as she moved. It was so fitted to her body that left little to imagination of her perfectly fit formed body. Although it went down to her feet it had slit that went up to her middle thigh, reveling long tanned legs and high golden sandals.

The woman stood comfortably perched on his arm, while she interacted easily with the men around her, all enchanted by her beauty and sassy personality.

Lilliana felt a pang in her heart, not jealously exactly, but sadness to the conclusion that the woman seemed a much better match for him as she could ever be. So much for feeling fabulous, she thought.

At that moment Jules and Mark came to find her.

- Oh, God. Lil, we wanted to let you know before you see it.

- Are you okay?

- Hey, guys. What do you mean? I'm fabulous!

But she couldn't help to take a flute of champagne from the waiter passing by and swallowing down in one gulp.

- That can't be easy to see.

- Come on, guys. I'm over it. This is our night, let's not fret over this.

Mark and Jules looked at each other but let it pass.

- Man, how much we've been through. Isn't it amazing we are here right now? - Mark said.

- Yeah, totally. - Lilly said, looking around and actually getting emotional.

- It's all thanks to you, Lil. You can be a pain in the ass sometimes, but that's what get the job done.

- Geez! Thanks. I guess.

- Get the job done? Get miracles made! - Mark took three glasses of champagne and handled to them. - To Miss Lilliana Robinson. The woman who is more resilient than all the sand in the desert, the woman who goes after what she believes even when everybody is saying the contrary. The woman that makes dreams come true. To Lilliana everyone.

The three raised and clinked their glass together and some people around them raised their glasses in her direction.


Lilliana was talking to a bunch of Egyptologists when he went up a little stage and stopped at a microphone asking for attention. That was the first time she permitted herself to actually look at him, just because it would be rude not to. Also, it was the first time he was not together with the gorgeous brunette that would catch her eye. He was wearing a formal black and white attire, nothing out of ordinary, but looking gorgeously extraordinary as usual. He could make even a t-shirt and jeans look incredible, she figured.

The Forgotten PharaohOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora