How the water and ice became one (gurvia)

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Normal p.o.v

Water the element of life. water I said to have appeared here on this planet after fire. it has 3 forms gas, liquid, and a solid form. these are known as steam, water, and ice.

But wait a second how does ice come in the mix. well I'll tell you and trust me it's a story to listen to. one day in a pitch black room a girl with blue hair as vast as the ocean laid asleep.

She wasn't the most social girl nor the most self confident. she was born as the rain woman. her name was juvia and she represented water. she may not be social but she went with the flow.

A lot of people who were like her joked "you just go with the flow". little did they know that saying inspired her to do so.

Once the sun peeked in she awoke to rain. today was her day to shine as they say. she would walk out and make it rain. farms always thank her with out knowing.

Plants, animals, and things all praise her without knowing it as well. things like "thank you God/goddess of the water". "father sky has blessed us with his daughter rain". and "praise the lord for letting rain come to us".

She would smile and walked around happy in the rain. but like always there were ungrateful people. "great we get to deal with a landslide or a flood today thank you rain God/goddess". "why have you come on a day like this to make us more I'll rain". or "how dare it rain now we're stuck inside.

This made the woman sadder and it rained harder. "don't listen to the juvia-nee it's a great day to rain" a boy with ocean hair told hair. he was her younger brother flow he controlled time and the sea. she smiled and hugged her brother. "he may be younger but he's so grown up she would think).


In the north and south part of this earth was all white. and in this snow was a black haired boy named gray of the north. he was the keep of the north pole. his older brother Lyon was the keeper of the south. his older sister urtear keeper of the ice.

He would protect this area with the power of the ice and snow. their mother ur each gave them their job at her passing. being the youngest he wanted to make her proud. but some was missing. off the the south his brother has water, but up here in the north he didn't.

This confused him and also got him jokes as well. "yo gray how's the white wast land". he didn't mind but it seriously confused him. So one day he to find the answer. he only new 3 people smart enough to now it.

Flow of time and sea since he has seen all of time past and future, Lucy of the stars cause she has been here the longest, and levy of knowledge.

He went to see Lucy first but found she was busy from what Virgo one of her constellations said. he tried levy but she was in grossed in a book. then he went to flow who thought about it.

"Well I'd say because you haven't need for one" he answered. "but I want a sea I've always thought water was an important part of ice" gray retorted.

Dispute being younger flow was one of the wisest and stubbornest. "like I said sorry it just must not be the only way is to get the keeper of water to make a deal with you in other words my big sis" flow replied with brother mode taking over "but you'd have to go through me first or she have to agree" he added.

But gray wasn't there anymore. flow signed but smiled. (looks like you got you wish big sis) and with that he went back to looking over time and the seas.

With juvia

Juvia was walking around another town supposed to rain when he came. and by him I mean gray her life long crush. at all there meetings he was the nicest to her.

Over time that went to crush thing. little did she know he felt the same. he always was amazed by water and that's when he meant her. her mother created the ice so he always felt attracted to her.

"Um hey juvia" he said. she studded out "g-g-gray-sama w-what a-are you doing-h-here". "I came to see you actually would you like to make a compromise with me" he said. "compromise with gray-sama of course" she cheered.

"W-w-well h-how about a-a share of -p-powers" he blushed and studded out. in a compromise of powers the two being seal it with a kiss and agree to work together kinda like marriage.

"S-sure" she replied and leaned in. he blushed more and did the same. once they kissed they pulled apart about a minute later and smiled.

Meanwhile a certain blue haired time keeper worth down the event in a book he called history. he named it the joining of water and ice and the beginning of the arctic sea.

R: hey hi how's it going guys.

F: like the would reply to that.

R: (shrugs) and way hope you enjoyed come summer which is the week after next week I'll write more.

F: good my story's almost done so you could finish it.

R: yup and the gem and heroes one.

F: next time the star and fire.

R: that's my line well screw it see yea readers. (Poofs away).

F: (looks around) I don't say this enough but thank you for reading and supporting us bye.

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