The star and its fire (nalu)

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Have you ever looked up at the night sky. I know I have but have you ever wonder were the blue, orange, and red flames got to the star. I know I have and I know how it happened.

Long ago when the world was showing life. A star up in the sky was not any color. It did have a blue, red, or orange flame. It just sat there almost dead.

But the star wasn't just dull on the out side. In it was a young woman with pale skin, dull blonde hair, and life less brown eyes. She sat with her hand under he chin. Though the pose looked almost robotic in a way.

Most stars were born with their fire. But her oh no she had not been so lucky. Out of the billions of stars in the sky she was the only one not shining. She was teased and even disowned by her father.

She was named lucky Lucy. Though better known as the ugly duckling of the stars. Today she decided to end it all. She was an out cast and no one loved here. Only here mom who was gone and burned out.

With a wave of her fingers she and her star left. Into the darkness and for once in here life she let out a very small smile, but a smile nevertheless.

Mean while

A red stream of light flew at break neck speed. Going as fast as light speed. Once it stopped a red dragon flapped its wings. Panting he looked around and sighed. He'd been flying for months and he was tired.

He had gone to see flow his friends. Since flow was in his castle of time he had to fly for a long time. But being him he forgot the way. His name was natsu dragneel and he was the dragon of fire.

Scratching his head he signed again. "Ok so I know I have to flow a trail but what trail" he asked himself.

He roared out in annoyance. He was mad why did flow have to make it so hard. He was not in the mood to be lost. Luckily luck was on his side. In the shape of a dull star.

The star flew towards him and then opened. Coming out was Lucy with a neutral expression. The dragon was in a trans once he saw her. She was beautiful and even with her looks of lifelessness he was having a hard time forming a sentence.

"Hello there dragon why do you seem to annoyed" she asked. As she spoke him knew then and there he had imprinted on her. And he had once in his lifetime gave her a toothy grin.

She was confused no one ever smiled at her now a days. But this dragon smiled at her even when she looked so... ugly. But she smiled and for the first time in a long time was amused by someone.

"Uh hey sorry to ask but do you know were flow lives" he asked and she seemed to think. She did since her mother said all stars had to know where the time keeper lived.

She nodded and he smiled "awesome can you show me there I'd be grateful" he gave her another toothy grin. "Yes it would be my pleasure" she smiled and half way to full smile at him. She even started to shine a little bit.

And so the two traveled together to flow. As the flee Lucy got brighter and brighter. As the stopped to rest she was glowing. Not as bright as other but her full like cleared up.

Natsu stared and blushed even more then before. She was gorgeous before but now she looked like an angel just for him. She smiled and glowed brighter.

Meanwhile with flow

Our time keeper was fixing books. The books all had labels on it. The was past, and future labels both in selves. As flow worked a new book appear. And floated on his desk.

Stopping he walked over to the new book. Once opened he smiled. Placing the book back down and waiting for the two "characters" to arrive.

Line break to nalu

The two started up again. And it didn't take long for the couple to see it. In the black space sky was a blue castle. It had 4 towers all with clocks. It shines a star blue and they could feel the power of its residence.

Once inside the gat they went in to their human forms. Natsu now had pink hair, onyx eyes, and slightly tan skin. He wore a vest with a scarf and shorts with sandals.

Lucy was now glowing as bright maybe brighter than any star. He hair was a golden yellow, her eyes had a chocolate brown glow to them, and her white skin shined. She wore a shirt with a star on it, shorts, and tennis shoes.

They walked into a room were a blue haired boy rode on a ladder placing books in selves. "Oh hey there natsu Lucy what brings you here" he asked with a knowing smirk.

"Well I was going to ask you something but I got I figured out" natsu said a interwoven his hand with Lucy's. She smiled but was worried "could this really work" she asked.

"Yes it's already been written actually so enjoy your new found life" flow said and smiled.

With that our couple left. Natsu moved in with Lucy in her star. He would make her happy, sad, and make her feel loved. He was always there and never left for long, or he'd take he along.

Some say you can see the two today even. All you have to do is look for the star with a dragon on it. Though it's not hard Lucy was now a sun. The sun of the Milky Way.

And that's how the star got its fire. The end.

F:(tearing up) so beautiful next up time and the abyss.

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