The matchmaker meets her match mostly maruxs with gurvia

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I dedicate this one to gurvia lover thanks for requesting.
Mari's p.o.v
I sighed while I was cleaning the mugs. I had made all my ships happen today I got gurvia to happen. I looked over to see gray following the steps "I helped make". to be honest I just forced him to use them after slipping truth serum in his drink. I asked him who he liked and juvia came out. ah what a good day. now all I need to do is run operation get Laxus to know I'm here. Ever since that girl showed up I can't get him to look at me it really annoying.
Gray's p.o.v
I was just sitting ordering my usual drink when Mari put something in it. I felt the need to tell the truth. She asked "who do you like gray". I couldn't stop myself and said "juvia I don't just like her I love her". she smirked and gave me instructions to how I can get her to be mine. I was kinda not feeling the need to so I was going to blow it off. but then Mari gave me a death glare that sent shivers down my spine. I walked over to guvia and she smiled when she saw me. "hey gray-sama you came to see juvia". I smiled and nodded "hi juvia I was wondering if you would go out with me". step one is complete. she had hearts in her eyes and was blushing as well "of course gray-sama". Step two if she says yes. I lean in and kiss her on the lips she tenses up but kisses back. she look at Lucy "take that gray-sama pick juvia love riva". she rolled her eyes and went to natsu. I laughed that's my girl.
Lauxs's p.o.v
I was looking at the new girl but little did I know my plan was working. step one have the new girl make Marijane jealous. I said "hey Nikki". I heard Mari growl from the other side of the bar. Nikki smiled "hey lauxs how's the plan going". I smirked "good Mari is overly jealous". I smirked time for plan two ask out Nikki in front of Mari. I whispered "time for step two". We walked In front of Mari and I said "Nikki want to go out on a date". she smiled "of course". Mari looked ready to kill Nikki. we were on our date and I could smell Mari in the bushes. I chuckled she is so jealous. we ate dinner and it was time for step three fake break up. Nikki said "lauxs I hate to tell you this but it's over". I looked down sadly to add affect. I could hear Mari cheer yes!!!!!!!! I sighed I do love her but she's a hand full.
Time skip the next day
I walked in and was immediately pulled to the side it was Nikki. The hell the plans over. she said "lauxs I still love no I love you". I blushed but that blushed turned into fear at seeing Maris facial expression. the Demond has come out run!! Mari walked over right before Nikki could kiss my shocked face. she grabbed her and though her to the side. next thing I know Mari was kissing me I paused but kissed back. she pulled a part and said "your mine now lauxs like it or not". I smirked and pulled her in for another kiss we pulled a part. "who said I wouldn't like it".
Time skip 10 years later (Maris p.o.v)
I was humming happily to myself. all my ships our together, I have a loving husband, and I have two kids. I was watching grays kid and natsus kid fight. their names are tim fullbuster, and ash dragneel. tim shouted "take this you fire breathing idiot".ash shouted back "take this you water princess stripper". I giggled like fathers like sons. my daughter may was talking about ships and my son Luke was staring at Nikki's daughter. I never going to let him date her so he should stop. I smiled "Luke you know you'll never be with her while I'm here". he sighed "I know but you can't stop me from trying". I giggle "that's our son". I looked back to May blushing tim was striping again. Luke shouted " oi water user your clothes". tim shouted "ah come on". lauxs came down and yelled "gray keep your kid from striping". he then kissed me and pulled me a side. shouting "natsu your in charger will we are on our anniversary". I love him so much
The end

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