Chapter 15

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Sakura POV

In the end, E class barely won the competition and because of that they were gifted the opportunity to do to the field trip on the small island.

So small that by the time we found out there wasn't a hospital on it, it was to late.

"When Karasuma told us about this incident he said only half the class was effected," Den states, "Why are all of them sick?"

"Because I fixed my mistake," A deep voice hisses from the shadows, "If they die now, you don't come back to save them."

I turn back quickly to look towards the voice.

Takaoka, older than he was before.

The age he would be in ten years.

"You're not the only one who can time travel."

"Why would you do this?" Dai asks, "If you're mad about Nagisa then you should man up. He played by your rules."

"He cheated. This entire class is in the way. They shouldn't be the one to kill the octopus. They shouldn't have talked back," Takaoka hisses. Karasuma and Irina run into the area.

"Whats wrong with everyone?" Irina asks.

"He poisoned them," I whisper, pointing toward Takaoka, "He followed us from the future so we couldn't stop him."

"And now I'm taking these ones out too. I'm not letting them go home."

He pulls out a gun, as does Irina and Karasuma.

"Leave them alone," Karasuma states, "You get nothing from killing them, or e class."

"I get my life back."

Takaoka went to pull the trigger. I closed my eyes in fear. Two shots were fired. I don't know who he was aiming for. If he was aiming for everyone. He shot and missed.

Well, I thought he did.

I opened my eyes and saw Karasuma holding my bleeding sensei and Takaoka laying on the ground blood seeping from his chest. Karma leaned against a wall with a gun, looking like he would pass out or throw up.

Takaoka shot Nagisa who ran in front if the gun as Takaoka went to shoot us. Karma shot Takaoka.

Karma dropped the gun and fell against the wall and Nagisa coughed up blood. I was frozen in shock. Is he gonna die? Am I gonna loose him before I actually meet him.

This isn't how it was supposed to go.

Everyone was rushed to the hospital an island over.

Takaoka died before the ambulance got there.

Nagisa survived surgery from the bullet wound.

The class was all in for extreme sickness. Turns out, the assassins Takaoka hired to poison e class switched the poisons before Takaoka gave it to the class.

Everyone was going to be okay.

Karasuma, Irina, and my class all fell asleep in the waiting room of the hospital.


This is the second to last chapter. I'm sorry that the story is kind of rushed but hey, at least it isn't discontinued.

Next update is tomorrow.

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