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Sunday, October 3, 2021

"Maddie, are you okay?" Sammie leans over my lap, looking at the girl next to me. The car halts to a stop as we reach a red light. "Sweetie, what's wrong?"

I turn to look at Maddie, her head is slumped down and a tear falls slowly down her cheek. Sammie reaches her hand across my lap to take hers, squeezing it tightly.

"Maddie- honey, what's wrong?" she tries again, leaning down to meet Maddie's gaze. She wipes her tears with the sleeve of her sweater and stares straight ahead.

"I don't want to go back to Tokyo tomorrow-" she mutters, sniffling back her tears. She pulls the sleeves of her sweater over her thumbs, crossing her arms protectively over her chest.

"Maddie..." Sammie coos, caressing her leg softly. I feel her trembling next to me but I don't know what to do.

I know how she's feeling though. I always hated it. The day-before-dread.

The day before you have to say goodbye to him. The day before your life goes back to being gloomy and lifeless because he's not with you anymore and you're back to being long-distance.

All of my friends would say, "Violet, don't be sad! You have to enjoy the day before as much as the other days! You have to make every day count!"

But they didn't understand.

I shift nervously in my seat trying to give them space, but I'm sandwiched between them. I try to look at Maddie to tell her I know how she's feeling. But she's just staring at the seat in front of us.

"Sweetie, we're almost at the concert venue- I know you're sad, but you can't let Beomgyu see you like this, hmm?" Sammie offers sweetly, trying to get Maddie to look at her. "I know this is hard for you, but try to be happy tonight. The boys have been working so hard..."

"Sammie, I know that-" she sniffles, turning her attention to the older girl. "God, everything is always so easy for you-"

She scoffs, crossing her arms as she leans back into the corner of the car.

"You're married, you live together- you've always lived together- you're public- you have everything-" she continues, stammering over her words. But she's upset and emotional. Still, I don't know what to say. I feel like I shouldn't be here.

Sammie gets visibly uncomfortable but she doesn't say anything. She squeezes Maddie's thigh one more time and pulls her hand away, sighing out as she sits back on her seat.

I swallow back the knot in my throat. I really don't know what to say or do. But is this what it's like? I don't know Sammie and Maddie that well, but I can imagine what they must be going through.

A heavy silence descends over us. Maddie sniffles softly on my left and Sammie breathes out quietly to my right as she gazes out the window.

"So, um-" I gulp, trying to break the silence. "Have you guys been to one of their concerts before?"

Maddie doesn't say anything, she just wipes her nose. Sammie stirs next to me, taking a deep breath in.

"This is their first concert, but we were at the Fan Live earlier this year-" she offers quietly, smiling at me sweetly out of the corner of her mouth.

She's trying to move on from Maddie's outburst, but I can tell her words were hurtful. I'm sure things are easier for Sammie now, but I doubt they were always like this.

"Oh-" I nod, raising an eyebrow. "So what's it like? Can we be near the stage or do we have to be in the back?"

"I think this time we can be near the stage since there's no audience- but during the Fan Live we had to be backstage to avoid being found out-" she says matter-of-factly, turning her attention back to the window. "We're here..."

LET ME - taehyun x ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora