BONUS - Valentine's Day 🔞

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I pull my phone out of my bag and check the time again. Where is he? I'm almost at the front of the line.

This gallery opening was all over social media, and although Taehyun isn't really an art guy, he knows I like going to museums. So it was his idea to have our Valentine's Day date here. Like the sweet romantic guy that he is.

I smile and check my phone again, a picture of Taehyun grinning at me as my background, when I suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

I gasp and turn over my shoulder, feeling Taehyun's warm breath as he giggles into my ear. "Sorry I'm late, babe-

I giggle and cradle his face in my hand, planting a soft kiss on his temple. "It's alright!"

"Were you waiting long?" he asks, shifting his weight so he's next to me, his arm around my shoulder.

"No, I got here about..." I roll the sleeve of my coat back to look at my watch. "10 minutes ago?"

"Oh good," he sighs in relief and then turns to look at me. "I forgot something at the dorms, so I had to run back and get it before coming here."

"Oh really?" I ask, raising an eyebrow at him as my lips curl up to a curious smile. "Was it my present?"

He giggles and pulls me in to kiss me on the cheek. "Maybe-" he shrugs and puts his other hand in his pocket. "You'll find out later tonight."

The line shifts forward. We're almost at the entrance. I thread my hand through his arm to keep warm.

"You look nice," I say, tilting my head forward and to the side to take a better look at him. His black hair is parted down the middle, framing his face nicely. His big puffer coat hangs over his shoulders, but it's unzipped down the middle and I can see the black suit jacket peeking underneath. He smiles, his cheeks turning pink as I turn around and pull his puffer apart to take a peek. "I love it when you wear suits."

"Thank you," he whispers with a giggle. He's so cute when he gets flustered. I wrap my arm around his waist and put my head on his shoulder, shuffling along as the line inches forward.

"What are you wearing under that coat?" he asks, pulling me close to his chest.

"You'll see," I say, tipping my chin up to look at him with a mischievous grin.

He inches close to whisper in my ear. "Is it that little black dress I got you?" his low voice tickles my skin. I feel goosebumps travel up my arms.

"Hello!" we hear a friendly female voice call out to us and I realize we've made it to the front of the line. She looks at both of us, holding a clipboard in hand. "Are you two on the list?"

"Yes, Terry and Violet Kang," Taehyun says, stepping closer to the gallery employee. She flips to the next page on her clipboard and marks off our names.

"Great! I see you here- you're good to go. Enjoy!" she says, smiling wide at both of us. Taehyun thanks her and he takes my hand, pulling me inside the gallery.

"Terry and Violet Kang?" I giggle, whispering in his ear as we join the coat check line.

"Yeah," he chuckles, shrugging his shoulders. "It sounds nice, doesn't it?"

"Taehyun-" I giggle, furrowing my brow as I give him a look. "Are you teasing again?"

He turns his gaze to me, cocking his head to the side. "Teasing you about what?"

"You know what!" I laugh, looking at him as I unbutton my coat open. He gives me a lingering look, pressing his lips together as I pull my coat down my shoulders.

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