BONUS: Truth or Dare - 1 🔞

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Saturday, April 9, 2022

The window rattles with the gusting wind. I lift my head off the sofa and turn around to look. The heavy rain and tar-black clouds are thick, but I can make out the faint shape of palm trees blowing in the wind, like they're being sucked up by a giant vacuum.

There was nothing about the way the day started that suggested we would be stuck in the hotel room waiting out a thunderstorm. The sun shone through the white curtains of our room. A strong, but refreshing breeze blew through the trees. The weather was so perfect that we both went for a run on the beach as soon as we were awake enough to roll out of bed. But by the time we finished having lunch at the seafood joint near the pier, the sky darkened and the heavy gray clouds rolled in.

Tae and I made our way back to our hotel as fast as we could— luckily, it was only a few blocks away. But just as we made it past the second crossing near the grocery store, big fat raindrops began marking the cement of the sidewalk. Tae took the plastic bag full of snacks out of my hand and pulled me into the rain.

We made a run for it, bolting out of the grocery store, giggling our way back to the hotel.

Now we're back inside.

The room is dim and the rain pattering on the window sounds like white noise.

I lay my head on the armrest of the sofa and continue checking the weather forecast on my phone, when suddenly the room lights up with a flash of light and the windows rattle again. This time with the loud rumble of thunder.

"What was that?" Tae asks, stepping out of the bathroom. The towel around his shoulders and the muscles under his black sleeveless shirt make him look like a boxer. But the look of concern in his eyes makes him seem far less intimidating.

"It's the red part of the storm," I answer, sitting up to look out the window. He walks behind the sofa and brings his face as close to the pane as he can without touching it. "Look-" I hold my phone up to show him the radar image. "We're right there on the edge of the red part. That's the strongest part of the storm. Luckily, there are no pink parts because that would mean that-"

"Babe, I know how to read a weather radar," he laughs, lifting his arms up to dry his hair with the towel.

"I know, I was just-" I clear my throat and bring my foot down to the floor.

He chuckles and circles the sofa, plopping down next to me. "It's okay- I like it when you Vi-splain to me..."

I laugh, looking at him out of the corner of my eye. "Is that my version of mansplaining?"

"Yup," he smiles and pulls me close. "But you can Vi-splain to me all you want."

"That sounds annoying," I giggle, hunching my shoulders. "I'll try not to do it so much..."

"No, it's cute," he grins and pecks me on the cheek. "I love my smart, sexy girl..."

A flush of heat travels up my face and I try not to giggle. "You say that now... but wait until-"

"Wait until what?" he asks coyly. "Until we're old and graying?"

"Tae..." I chuckle and press my lips together into a smile. He pulls me closer and giggles in my ear. His breath warm on my skin.

"So what were you looking at?" he asks, tipping his chin at the phone on my lap.

I chuckle and flash him a mischievous grin. "Well, I was checking the weather. It looks like the storm isn't going anywhere. So I thought we could play a little game I found."

"Okay," he laughs and pulls away to look at me. "What kind of game?"

"It's a sexy truth or dare game..."

LET ME - taehyun x ocWhere stories live. Discover now