AWAY - 2 🔞

889 19 11


The Same Day

I type in the code to Violet's apartment and open the door.

"I'm home!" I call out, stepping out of my shoes. I know Violet's home, but she doesn't say anything. "Babe?"

I hear water running, and I figure she's in the kitchen cleaning dishes, but she still doesn't answer me.

"Vi?" I walk into the kitchen and see her hunched over the sink, wearing her big headphones, humming as she rinses off a plate. She's wearing one of my grey zip-up hoodies and a pair of purple shorts, her black hair up in a messy bun. She looks so cute and sexy that I can barely stand it.

"Violet..." I sing out her name, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind. She flinches and spins around in surprise, pulling her headphones down.

"Taehyun- Ohmygod-" She gasps, giggling. "You scared me!"

I laugh too. "Sorry," I peck her on the lips, and she returns it. "I called you a few times, but you didn't hear me."

"Sorry... I was listening to this-" she grins and puts her headphones on me. An upbeat synth-pop song plays in my ears. It's catchy, and I can see why Violet likes it. "What do you think?"

"It's good," I say, bobbing my head to the beat.

She starts giggling as I sway with her from side to side. She looks so beautiful right now. Her cheeks are pink, and she's smiling wide, her dark brown eyes sparkling. But I can tell she's holding herself back. There's an anxious energy about her like she wants to be in the moment with me, but she can't.

"Are you feeling okay?" I ask her, brushing my thumb over her cheek.

"Yeah... I'm fine..." she says softly, biting her lip. I kiss the spot where she bit it gently, then move my hand up to cup her jaw. She shivers under my touch.

"What's the matter?"

She shakes her head. "Nothing..."

I pull her closer to me, pressing my forehead against hers. "Is it Singapore?"

Her voice comes out shaky when she speaks. "Maybe?"

I hold onto her tighter. "Do you wanna talk about it?"

She sighs and pulls away. "I don't know, Tae. I'm just feeling insecure."

"About what?"

She looks at me like she's trying to figure out what to say.

"You can tell me, Vi. You can tell me anything." I try not to sound worried, but I am. We have been avoiding the topic because talking about it will make it real. But it is real. She's leaving, and life as we know it will be vastly different.

She takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Well..." She trails off, shifting her gaze to the floor before she looks up at me with a sheepish smile. "I don't want to sound crazy, okay? So please don't think I'm being paranoid."


"But can we talk about Sunhee?" She asks.

"Sunhee?" I say, confused.

This irritates her.

Violet furrows her eyebrows and takes a step back, crossing her arms. "Yes, Sunhee. The CFO's daughter? The new girl in your styling team? The one who kept staring at you like you don't have a girlfriend?"

"I know who you're talking about, Vi," I say, taken aback. "I'm just not sure why you wanna talk about her..."

"Really? You have no idea?" She looks at me quizzically.

LET ME - taehyun x ocDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora