BONUS: Promises - 3 🔞

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Violet 00:17
Wear a button down and gym shorts. I'll be at your door in 5 😘

A button-down and gym shorts?

Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I squint at the screen... Yep, that's what she said. A button-down and gym shorts.

Did I even bring a button-down?

I stagger over to my suitcase and dig through it, tossing aside the clothes I folded neatly until I find a black short-sleeved button-down.

I chuckle. She must've snuck it in this morning.

Grinning at the thought, I pull my white t-shirt up by the back of the collar and slip it off, tossing it back into the suitcase. Since I'm already wearing black gym shorts, I take my time putting the button-down on, my fingers tingling as I try to match the buttons up with the buttonholes. It's not a shirt I wear often but it's one of Violet's favorites. She likes to put it on and wear it open over a sports bra, and I love to see her in it...

Just then, there's a soft knock at the door.

"Psst... it's me..."

Alright, here we go...

I smooth down my clothes and grab my slides, slipping my phone in my pocket. When I open the door, I see Violet's wide grin and gleaming eyes.

"Hey handsome," she giggles and pecks me on the lips. As she pushes the door open a little more, I catch her checking my outfit. "Good, you found the button-down— now come on—" she grabs my hand and pulls me down the hall. "Be quiet, okay?"

"Where are we going?"

"Shh—" she turns around. "Just trust me."

I chuckle quietly. "Alright..."

We hurry down the stairs, staying light on our feet to keep the floorboards from creaking. As we reach the front door, I realize where we're going.

"Wait— are we—"

"Shh— We're going on a car ride..."

"But where? It's the middle of the night—."

"You'll see," she grins and pulls me out the door. "Just come—"

"Vi, but what if we get in trouble?"

"Baby, I've done this a million times— just trust me, okay?

"Alright..." I pull the door closed and jog down the front steps. My eyes dart around as we approach the dark gray SUV we rented for the weekend. I keep checking the upstairs windows to see if anyone is watching us from behind the curtains. But everything is as still as the night.

We get in the car and Violet turns on the engine, the air conditioning starts blasting from the vents. I turn it down just a bit before settling into the passenger seat.

"You ready?" she grins. Her rosy cheeks and squinting eyes light up her face and make me feel a little better. But I have no idea what she's got planned. She pulls her purse off and puts it between my feet.

"Where are we going?" I pull the seat belt over my chest and click it in.

She puts the car in reverse and looks back over her shoulder, a wide grin on her face. "To my favorite secret spot..."

As she backs out of the gravel driveway and puts the car back in drive, I notice what she's wearing... and a smile slowly builds on my face.

"Secret spot, huh?" I mutter.

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