BONUS: Finally 🔞

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Friday, October 31, 2022

Taehyun's phone rings and rings and then goes to voicemail. Again. I open up our chat and see my last three messages have been sent, just not read. My gut instinct is to think that something happened to him, but also calm the fuck down, Violet. He's fine.

Still. Why isn't he calling me back and answering my messages?

My stomach is all knotted up. They flew back from the Philippines earlier today. Tae texted me as soon as they landed and said they would go to the office and then back to the dorm. But that was a few hours ago. He should've returned to the dorm already.

I take a deep breath and focus on the sound of my boots on the wet concrete. The sidewalk is soaked from the rain, and I try not to step on any of the big puddles. But just then, my phone vibrates, and I pull it out of my pocket. Ohmygod it's probably Tae– he's okay, thank god–

But when I see Sammie's name instead of his, my heart sinks a little bit. Still, I pick up the phone.

"Hey, Sam..."

Sammie sounds surprised. "Hey, Vi– Are you okay?"

"Sorry– Yeah, I'm fine. I just thought you'd be Taehyun."

"Oh–" She giggles. "No, it's just me. But, um– What's wrong?"

Hearing Sammie's voice puts me at ease. If she's calling me, that means Yeonjun is not home either.

"Everything's okay. I just haven't heard from Tae since they landed, and I'm catastrophizing."

Sammie chuckles. "Well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't heard from Yeonjun either."

"You haven't?"

"I mean– He called me an hour ago? He said they had to do some things at the office and that he'd text me when he was on his way home."

"Oh well, at least he called you. Tae hasn't returned any of my calls and hasn't even read any of my text messages. It's super weird."

"Hmm... Maybe his phone died? Yeonjun didn't mention anything about Taehyun going somewhere else. So I'm sure he's with them. Anyway–" Sammie's voice turns mischievous. "You will never guess what happened today."

Eager to get my mind off of all of this, I smile. "What happened?"

"So I was at the park near our apartment, just taking a walk with Lily. And this guy came up to me, and he–" Something falls down on Sammie's end. "Hold on, Lily just dropped her plate..." she sighs while Lily's little giggles echo in the background. "Sorry– one sec– I'll put you on speaker–

"It's okay. Take your time."

Glancing at the crossing signal ahead, I pull my backpack over my shoulder. It's still green, so I walk faster to get to it quickly.

I hear Lily banging her little fists excitedly on the high chair while Sammie picks up the food scattered on the floor. She grumbles, but Lily just shrieks happily, and I can't help but giggle.

"Lily flower!" I call out, and she shrieks even louder. "Aunty Vivi is here!"

Sammie picks up the phone again, and her voice sounds louder. "Okay, sorry about that– Where was I?"

"A guy came up to you at the park."

"Oh, right! So Lily fell asleep in her stroller, and I sat down on a bench to read a book. Just minding my own business, right?"


"When this guy walks up to me and asks if he could take my picture."

"What?" As I reach the next crossing, the pedestrian light turns red. So I stop, gripping my umbrella as the rain starts to intensify. "What do you mean? Who was he?"

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