AWAY - 1

474 17 2


Monday, February 20, 2023


I hear a door close, and I open my eyes, adjusting to the light in the room. Violet's not in bed anymore, but I hear her shuffling through her wardrobe. I turn over my shoulder to look for her, but I don't see her.


"Morning!" she grins, popping her head out from behind the wardrobe door. Her wet hair dripping water on the floor, and a black towel wrapped around her torso.

"What time is it?" I groan, reaching for my phone on the nightstand.

Violet pulls a pair of black pants out and puts them on. "It's 7:30."

"Ugh–" I fall back on the pillow, Violet's sheets dragging down my bare chest while I stretch my arms over my head. "It's so early... Why are you up?"

"I have to pick up my cap and gown before my meeting with Eric at 11." She smiles at me over her shoulder, dropping the black towel to the floor so she can put on her bra. Eric Chan is her new manager at the National University of Singapore. "You didn't hear me get up?"

"Nope." Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I swing my feet to the floor and sit up. "I was out. Really out."

She pulls a white crewneck out of the drawer and sits beside me on the bed. "Well, I made coffee and left a couple of boiled eggs in the pot for you." She pecks me on the cheek and pushes the hair out of my face. "Did you sleep well?"

I nod, still feeling groggy. But it took me forever to fall asleep. We're less than a month from the start of our tour, and we've been practicing non-stop. My body is exhausted, being pushed to its limits almost every day. But Violet's graduation is in four days, and three days after that, she'll be moving to Singapore. I've been doing my best to go about my days like everything is fine. But the truth is I'm anxious as hell. The person I love the most will be 3000 miles from me. Six and a half hours away from Seoul by plane– not even in the same time zone anymore.

"You're still sleepy, huh?" She coos, kissing me on the forehead. "I'll bring you coffee, okay?"

"Thanks, babe."

She squeezes my thigh and gets up, pulling the crewneck over her head.

One more week of this, and then it'll be over. I won't wake up next to her anymore. Someone else will move into this apartment, and all the memories we made here will be gone. It'll just be another empty place.

I watch her leave to the kitchen, and as soon as she disappears behind the wall, I drop back onto the bed. I close my eyes, trying to think about something, anything other than how much I want her to stay.

"Baby, we're out of milk." She calls out from the kitchen, walking back with a steaming mug between her hands. "I'm sorry." She smiles sheepishly and hands it to me.

"It's okay." I smile and pucker my lips at her. "Thank you, babe."

She kisses me.

I sip my coffee, letting the warmth spread through my body while she walks over to the mirror to put makeup on.

"What's on the schedule for today?" She asks, pulling a tube of bb cream out of her makeup bag. She squeezes some on the back of her hand and dabs it on her cheek with her finger.

"We're doing the first dress rehearsal–" I pause to take another sip of coffee. "I think we have four costume changes like last time, but our styling director hasn't decided on one of the costumes. So we have to dance in them to see what she decides."

LET ME - taehyun x ocWhere stories live. Discover now