chapter 26 so... hey?

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Its a bit uncomfy being here. The air ship feels as if it'll suffocate both of then. Weiss tugs on her collar trying to get cool air to satisfy the heat radiating off of her when she got too frustrated..  She turns and sees Ruby dosing off, eyes snapping back open as soon as she closes then more than 5 seconds. Weiss leans on her hand to hide the smirk.

It's really cute.

Shame you're not there to lend a shoulder cause you did a fuckey wocky.

😐 u really are something else you stupid.


They both get off and part ways, no ones saying anything in hopes the other does.

In the end they're both to far to run back to each other now.


Its quiet nights and boring days. Even yang can't lift everyones mood.

The staring Ruby did is gone.  She seems completely intriged to professor ports story. 

Weiss throws a note at her, only for it to tumble on the ground.

Damn didn't even look at cha

No really?

Yea really

Are you ever helpful?

She pinches the bridge of her nose in frustrations.

She knew Ruby.  When Ruby was mad mad  she didn't stare or even acknowledge you.

Flowers? Maybe.


And so that she did buy roses and a note saying she was sorry.
Leaving it on her bed.  Only to find said gift in the trash and the note torn.

Oooo that's gotta hurt.

Her own heart twisting in frustration.
How was she gonna fix this? A ring? A new sniper scope? Cookies?  Ruby likes cookies.



In garbage.

Now she was stunned. The woman she knew would never ever throw cookies away. She would cling to weiss. And yell at everyone that she was her bestie. Sometimes holding hands to class, and people gave odd stares and made rude comments. Weiss shot them glares while Ruby skipped them to their next class.  The type of girl who bothered the hell out of you when you were sad and give you her cookies. In hopes to make you feel better.

Such an annoying girl.

Wasn't this good? Didn't she want space? Didn't she want Ruby not so... Close?

She laid in bed now. Ruby hadn't come down for surprise sleep overs hadn't invaded her bubble. Hadn't done anything weiss found so annoying. Because that's what it was. Annoying,childish, clingy, just plain stupid.

Then why did she feel so lonely.   The bed that was obviously made for one, felt bigger tonight.

She heard shuffling above.

Excitement made her stay up, waiting for her mate to join her.

Of course she never did.
And disappointment grew.

bags appeared on both partners. Dark circles.

"Yikes guys y'all sleep on the wrong side of the bed?" Blonde hair moves swiftly and she opens the window.

"Stuff it."

"Aw come on wolfy don't be that way, just cause Ruby doesn't pay attention to you anymore doesn't mean you can be a sore loser. About it"

just the way you are Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora