chapter 5 ice queen and the hacker

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Ruby walked along the halls hoping to meet up with weiss, she wanted to question her if she found mr.chord weird.

Yes that was all.

Definitely not wanting to ask the white hair beauty if she had taking a liking to the teen. No not that.
She blushed "psh... Never. Weiss wouldn't date someone like him... Right? Then again... She'd never date someone like me" she flopped down. "Never ever"
She felt herself being lifted up and thats when she elbowed a person in the face.

"Ow! Ruby!"

"Oh my oum! I'm so sososososososo sooooo sorry! Yang you shouldn't sneak up on people like that!"

"And you shouldn't be talking to yourself like a crazy person. You're making team jnpr uncomfortable lol"

Ruby turned around and watched the team cock an eyebrow at herself.


She didn't like this one bit. Biting the inside of her cheek she walked aimlessly around campus. Something was up with him she couldnt place her finger on it. He was in the back where it was dark.

"Uh.... Hello mrs,schnee" his voice quivered slightly.

" What are you doing here?" Weiss said and all of a sudden a smell hit her she put a hand over her nose "vampire" she hissed, how had that not clicked before?

"Ah! Sorry! It happens when im nervous!" He glanced around embarrassed. "You know.. Kinda like when you prepare for battle.. Like a warning!" He rambled. Weiss stood up straight and only stared in confusion when ozpin was with him he was calm and collected. "A-anyway.. Could we talk somewhere private?"

"You shouldn't leave you scent around... People are sensitive towards. People like us. If you need help i can teach you how to cover it up." Even weiss hated to admit it but she had to learn from another werewolf how to cover it up and how others said she smelled like wet dog...even then she wasn't sure if she covered it correctly "But like a nice wet dog" whatever that meant anyway."you smell like ice cream! Vanilla!" Weiss smiled at the small memory, ruby was leaning against her that day.

Zack only nodded his head to the woods and marched on
With a dumbfounded look on her face weiss nodded slowly and they walked into the woods.


"We're here. Now what?" She leaned against the tree.

He fidgeted with his watch "i... I was wondering why someone like you is here."

"Some one like me?" She cocked an eye brow. " can you be more specific?"

Zack coughed into his hand and looked any where but the icy blue eyes that stared him down " i mean... Werewolf. Much more a schnee. What is...what are you doing here. You know hunters may go here-"

"Yes i am aware" she interrupted him and with a blink. Her fangs appeared, and she stuck out her hand " lets get to the point. You want to make a truce between us. So lets do it!" She glanced to the side. "Ew.. That dolts cheerfulness is infectious"

Zack smiled his fangs coming out "alright bet" he bit his hand a line of blood coming out and grab weiss' hand.

Seeing weiss wince in disgust he quickly retracted a apology coming out faster than weiss saw her father drinking a shot."vampire thing!" He squeaked out.

She took out a napkin and wiped off the smered blood on her and smiled. "We also have... Weird stuff things we do. Come on lets get back to the academy."

"Uh yes of course" he stumbled quickly behind her.

"Uh oh" yang looked down from the window. Blake ears twitched "whats wrong?"

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