chapter 21 under his thumb

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She looks in the mirror. Marks. Her father left marks. Because he wanted too. He took a lot of Aura out of her. So much to the point she exhausted that not even her wolf form can help. At least not in the way She wants. It itches more then anything when she breathes. Trying to crawl its way out. She struggles to get in bed, she had already put her robe on since wearing normal clothles seemed to be a challenge at the moment. She sighs. What was she expecting? An adoring father? A brother who didn't hate her? A sister who didn't leave her? A mother..that was alive? She didn't know what to think anymore.
Why was her family so.. Broken. So many cracks that couldn't be filled with glue.. Or to say money. Why?
Why did Jacques continue this bullshit. They were blood weren't they?
To top it off rick wasn't around when she came back. Understandably so. She spent hours getting beat. And a few more locked in the dark- "what time-..."

She had spent a WHOLE day getting beat.  How did he last that long? Where was the practise?
Then she realized.. Whitley...
She stiffened.

"That piece of shit"lay his crusty hands on her brother. She wants to throw up. And before she realizes she hunched over the toilet seat. She needs to see him.


"Aw.. Don't be glum chum-"

"You said, and i qoute "we'll get her and you can do whatever you want,lucas."  He shoves his upperclassmen\captain to the wall.

" it. And second Thats up to our leader, and you know that! What were you thinking!?" He jabs the younger werewolf in the chest. "You shot her! I took an ear full for you! You're lucky you even got off with a warning. Sir would've cut anyone off in split second!"

Lucas scoffs "I'm not a pup anymore so stop nagging me-"

"When we found you, you were practically dead so don't act high and mighty-... Sir?"

"Mmm captain kirk, don't pester him." He flaunts his left hand showing a bright blue diamond. "Leave him be. He already knows what he owes me." He brings his arm over the boy and chuckles when he stiffens "easy there boy. I let it slipped because she's your best friend but OH MAN!" He burst out laughing. "This kid is WACK! shooting your own bestie!? Ouch. She must be so hurt. Or maybe she doesn't even care. Either way you will get to talk to her. Just be patient." He flicks his nose in attempt to irritate lucas. "Hehe. See you BOTH soon. Also richard don't be so hard. I gave you a warning. Not an earfull." He puckers his lips together and blows a kiss at both. "Bye bye ladies"

Lucas and Richard sigh. Richard glares before grabbing a water bottle and chugging it down.

"I hate you. You're practically a teachers pet. "

"Shut up and go"

Weiss looks around her bedroom. "Mm.. So much for rick being around." She whispers to herself.  She still had to get her scroll from her father. She slammed her fist down on her night stand. Falling on her stomach since her back hurt real bad.
"Damn it.." She looks over to the clock 3:35 AM

She might as well try and catch some z's


Ruby tosses and turns the whole night. Having her partners gone seemed to mess with her. "Maybe it's cause for the most part we sleep together...well not together together. Like.. Cuddling.. Why do i get embarrassed by my own thoughts? It makes no sense. Ugggg weisss i misss you."
She flips her pillow over to the cold side. "Do you even miss me?"


"It's basically morning... Kill me"
   The blond beauty pats her black hairs friend and quickly put her finger towards her lips. Blake cocks an eye brow looking at where yang points. It's ruby on weiss' bed.  Blake looks back at her, she shakes her head at her but it's already to late yang takes her scroll out and takes a few pics. She whispers to blake "weiss IS gonna love these!!!"  She fans herself "i love them so much but they.. Should kinda hurry. Seeing then dance around the truth is unbearble-"

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