chapter 1 snow wolf

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"- And once again the "snow wolf" has made its appearance, making the children of vacuo and vale happy"

The reporter quickly goes up to one of the kids "What was it like for you to meet "snow wolf" was it a he? Or a she? Did it talk to you?" Bombered with questions the tiny five year old girl fell backwards.

Ruby sat closely to the t.v while Weiss watched her with a blush.
At the end of the report no one had seen the "werewolf" except one child.
"It had ears and supper fluffy fur and it talked only said "I hope these toys make you and the other kids smile, I should go before the guard comes back. Seeyeah!" It sounded like a girl. Or I think..

Weiss cringed. Transforming sometimes hurt if she was honest. Especially when she has no control.

"Weiss Weiss weiss!"

"Yes, ruby?"

"How can you just sit there? There talking about snow wolf! Damn she's so great!I wish I could meet her!"

Weiss took a sip of her tea "Uh huh, yea I bet"

Even if Weiss was the "snow wolf" she didn't really care about the fame it was bringing her. If she was being honest she found it annoying at times how kids or teenagers would set traps. She'd have to avoid them.. She decided she'll stay on the low for a bit.

Even if she had this other thing. It cause her issues especially when ruby was around being all... adorable and what not.

Compose yourself. You are a schnee

Even so ruby's smile could melt anyone. Or so she'd like to believe anyone human.

Her father for example was the devil in white clothing.

Yang only snorted "Maybe we could try and catch her"

"Now that is pure gold" Weiss took another sip the cup hiding her smirk.

Blake shrugged "I don't think that's a good idea, she's not even hurting anyone. So we don't have a reason to- YANG!"

"Come on kitten you know you want too!" The blonde tugged at her fanus friend. "I'll give you a good ear scratch"
And with that Blake swatted yang away with the book she held.

"We are not doing anything to her,alright guys?" The leaders tone stern, Weiss could almost say she was impressed until she giggled "but I would admit I'd like to meet her"

Weiss tilted her head looking at ruby, up and down, Blake shook her shoulder, "checking out the goods are we?" Her smirk made Weiss blush

"I have no idea what you're talking about"

Weiss wouldn't admit it out loud at least, but they had been drinking and she had admitted something about having a crush on a. Certain red dolt. Well she didn't say it like thT it was more like... "Would you date _____ or ruby?" And of course she said ruby even if she wasn't even an answer. She didn't have a crush on her. She was straight. Ruby was just her first real friend is all.
Weiss was thankful Blake could keep her mouth shut.



"Lets go get lunch together!" And with out another word she dragged Weiss out.


"Ruby please, slow down. Are you trying to pull my arm off?"

Ruby sighed "fine" she looked away but Weiss could already tell she had a pout on her face. She didn't understand why ruby was so clingy to her. Of all people? Yes, she knows ruby is also clingy to yang, but that's her sister. She wasn't exactly nice to her when they first met.

She nudged the red-head, she pointed to her favorite snack "Ruby there's cookies over there"

And once again the the red head grabbed the heiress' s arm and dragged her away forgetting her mini-mood swing?


"Why me dear lord" she had a boner. She was praying with all her might, for it to go down. "Please oum, I know I can be a bitch, BUT HERE?!?! Of all places" she wined uncomfortably ruby was chatting away aimlessly while clingy to her arm.

"Don't think about the. Don't do it,weiss! There not squishy there not great to feel brushing on your arm.. definitely not wanting to hold them..!!!agh!!! Why!"

Blake would have called her a "useless lesbian by now" but only if she were gay... Which she wasn't.

She tried to smile when ruby looked her directly in her eyes, she really did. But her face always looked in a different direction if she did. Her blush was every where. Well.. not EVERY WHERE, but everyWHERE.
It creeped up her neck.

If she had payed attention, she would've also known ruby was blushing. "Shes so pretty, it's unfair"

Hope ye enjoy, should I make more?
I took a lot of time to make this updates might be slow might not depends on tbe feed back and how i feel about the chapters. But yea enjoy!

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