chapter 8 new arrival

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Weiss sighed she had just barely met this girl and she was getting yanked around. "Please slow down!"

"Sorry I'm just so excited!" She practically yelled. She smirked and weiss got a wuff of vampire smell she scrunched her nose. It wasn't that it smelled bad, but it also wasnt nice to have it force down your lungs. "Whats the matter wolfy? Don't like my perfume." She stuck her tongue out taking a bottle of perfume and spraying it all over herself. " you know this is expensive."

The heiress put on her best "shut up and explain what you are doing here" face as nice as she could. Hoping for the younger girl to understand but to no able.

"Look what's your name?"

"Jade, jade chord! Ready to be of service!!" Her smile reaching her eyes. "In anyway you need"

"Zack better be ready when he comes back."

Jade was too excited, couldn't stop moving or asking questions and already seemed to be clingy to weiss. Pulling her arm around the campus asking what the areas were called.


"Impossible!! I have no relatives there dead. How do i know you aren't lying!?" His eyes a bright. Not to mention ANGRY red.

She smiled. That seemed to tick him off more. "I had no idea male vampires got so angry so quickly. And you wolfy u and my bro are...???"

Weiss shook her head frantically "oh heavens no! We're just friends" a blush dusted her cheeks from embarrassment

Zack ignored the comment and said "what about the birthmark? Everyone has it from our family.. " he lifts up his right sleeve showing a bright red circle with what looks like a blue gem.

His 'sister' looks away. "Um... About that.. I have one. It's simply not where you expect it to be dear" she winked at weiss for the last part.

"By that you mean?"

"Its next to my butt hole"

Weiss would've been more surprised from how openly she said that if it weren't for how much time she had spent with ruby and yang.

"If you want I'll let weiss take a peek"

Zack on the other hand had his eye twitching of aggravation. Then he let out a puff. "Someone like that must be a part of my family."
He pinched the bridge of his nose "sorry about this weiss but i think.. I need some time alone with her. You know? Make sure i catch up and... I really hope this isn't some prank."

As soon as weiss took a couple steps to leave them alone jade had to of course put in a. Comment "wolfy hope you dont miss me! Toodles?".

"Don't call me that.."

"Who the fuck says toodles????"

Weiss sat down at her table, jade had taken a lot of energy out of her. She Also had practically come out of no where .And thats saying something. Ruby rose was her partner the most energetic and sweet girl you could. Ever meet.
With out noticing she had begun doodling on her note book. Roses.

"Roses are nice.."

With out noticing yang quickly smacked the white hair beauty "aaaaaah!"

"What was that for!?" She exclaimed. Rubbing her now bruising shoulder.

"Nothing nothing just wanted to scare yea. Ooooooh pretty roses!" She snatched the note book annd veiwed them

"Give it back yang!"

Yang stood tall and proud. "Just hold up i wanna see lol don't get your panties all twisted... Awwww so cute i bet you're thinking of my baby sis!"

Weiss once again cursed her height.

Blake stepped in the room ignoring the blonde and heiress as they "talked"

Ruby sat on the bench jaune and her were talking about 'being better leaders'

"It's rough ruby, somedays i think ozpin made the wrong choice. What if someone gets hurt? What if-"

"Jaune that won't happen. And if it does I'm sure that you will solve it. Your teammates will be sure to be by yourside" she put a reassuring hand on his head.

"I had this dream... Well more like a nightmare.. Phyrra died. And just thinking about it makes my stomach turn... Shes my partner. My friend and she even helps me train haha." He gave off a goofey smile before dropping it "but she'll never die she's too good for it"

Ruby laughed "haha thats it jaune. Dang right she's always combat ready"she lifted her fist up as a demonstration of strength. A sad smile played on her lips "you know... Some days i get scared too. Losing weiss? I cant... And i don't wanna imagine that."

Jaune was about to say something only to be interrupted by a girl who tripped right in front of them "ow!"

Zack came running quickly behind her "jade i told you to slow down!" He looked up "oh.. Hey ruby and uh.... Hey jaune!"

The dorky blonde gave an awkward smile "hey zack. It's alright if you don't remember my name. No need to be ashamed"

Ruby waved towards him and then to the girl thay stared right at her. She stayed quiet for a moment hoping for zack or jaune to get the girl to stop.
"Um... Can i help you?"

Jade smiled "fuck no baby"


"Ow! Zack!"

"Sorry about my.... Little sister.. She's you know. Not ok in.. Here" he pointed to his head. Ruby and jaune laughed as jade pouted.

"Anyways ruby, jaune it was nice to see you guys. But we better run along"

"Aw... Already? I wanna see weiss again" and with a look towards the silver eye girl she smirked "she's pretty cute"

Ruby stood up straight unsure if that was a way to show that she was bigger and could kick ass.

"Oooh.. Green eyed i see"

"Knock it off jade!"

This time they left

Jaune looked at ruby "what does she mean green eyed? You have silver eyes..."

Ruby shook her head "doesn't matter. I'll be heading to my dorm now since its getting late." The two gave each other a hug and went there seperate ways.

"Is that weiss's mate?"

"Jade just shut up..... Also i don't know. I just know she has her scent all over her"


As ruby got into her dorm blake and yang were having a tickle fight and weiss was taking a shower.
She decided that it'd be best that she'd just go to bed.


Every one is in bed. But that does not mean everyone is sleeping.

Blake couldn't sleep for the simple fact her ears we're senstive do to yangs... Petting. As for yang she lived to pet her kittys ears. Even as she slept.

Ruby was between the dream world and the awaken world. She slipped in and out.
Weiss was panting heavily sweat dropping for her forehead. A whimper following her as she turns into a ball.
A nightmare playing in her head.

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