MV33- Test

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Pronouns: she/her

Third person:
There she sat, on her porch looking in the distance.'am I good enough?' 'What if I fail?' 'I can't do it' was all she could think about. 'They will be disappointed with me' 'I will never graduate' 'never get a job' 'I'm a failure' more thoughts started flowing trough her mind, and it started to rain.When She heard the front door open, she didn't move a single muscle.

"Why are you sitting here in the rain?" The man with the Dutch accent asked, she didnt answer ."Darling?" He aksed his girlfriend one more time, still no answer. He let out a sigh and sat down beside her. "What's wrong honey",

she finally turned to look at her boyfriend he saw her tear stained face."Oh honey" he says while pulling her into his chest, and she immediately started sobbing. He knew that she had a very important test for her university, if she didn't pass she would not graduate. He knew how bad her anxiety could get at this point.

"I'm so scared max" she says while sobbing."I know babe, I know" he whispers at her while calming her down. "If I'm not gonna pass I will-"
"Hey, calm down you will pass. You are the smartest girl I have ever met. You can do it I'm sure of it!" He says while looking into her eyes."thank you" she whispered back at him.

"Now let's get inside, and shower" he says while effortlessly scooping her into his arms. She laughed a little,"now that's what I want to see" he says while walking inside.

Sorry for the short one! I just got this idea and thought it was fun to write!!

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