sleepless nights

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Soda POV

its been a few days since I got home. I was happy to be back, but I felt alone..still. I don't know why I feel like nobody cares, the gang seemed to, I think. Recently I've been sleeping on the couch, well not really sleeping..but trying to. I'm not aloud back to work for another month or so, I'm lucky I'm even able to go back. But that's not the only reason I stay awake on the couch. Recently Dallas has been swinging by to check on me. I don't know why, but he makes me feel better. He makes me feel like I exist. I haven't been able to sleep. Its hard, harder than I thought it would be. I get comfortable but never sleep. I just stay up till I cry myself to sleep. Dally stays over sometimes, he stays up all night with me, even if he's tired..he'll still force himself to stay awake till I can't anymore. Who knew Dallas Winston could ever care about anyone but himself. Crazy.

Dally POV

I snuck up to the Curtis house and opened the door. As usual, Soda was sitting on the couch playing with his fingers. "Pepsi-Cola" I whisper-yelled. He looked up and smiled softly. "Hey Dal" A smile crept onto my face. His smile was so bright, even though it was pretty dark. "Hey, I brought you sum to eat, man" I said. His smile faded and he tilted his head. He looked like a puppy, a really cute puppy..

"Food?" He asked. I nodded and handed him a box. He shook his head and pushed it away. I noticed how he'd been getting skinnier. "I haven't seen you eat all day" I said
"You haven't been here all day.." He looked down as he lied. I was there all day, once Pony left for school and Darry went to work I stayed all day to keep him company. Everyday. I raised an eyebrow and he shook his head again. "I'm not hungry, Winston" He said. Winston? What the hell man.

"You've gotta start eatin' or im afraid you might snap in half while you're walkin or something" I said, trying to lighten the mood. He just looked sadder. "Just a little?.." I asked..more begged..but that didn't matter, he needed to eat and if I needed to beg on my knees then I would

Soda POV

Dallas brought me food, he was begging for me to eat it. Dallas Winston was begging..this is something I could get used to. I slightly smirked and pat a spot beside me. "Sit down and maybe," I said as I rolled my eyes. He sat beside me and I felt him staring. "Give me the damn box, you baby" I said. He smiled and handed me the box. "I'm not a baby, I just..I just.." I looked over at him. "You what?"
"I care."



I don't know, I feel like it's getting better but I don't wanna rush it. I don't really like how I write, it tends to annoy me more than it should, but idk, it's whatever

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