night alone

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Dally POV

I woke up in a strange room. "What the hell.." I mumbled. I looked over at Sodapop, who was sitting there. He looked asleep for a second, until he looked at me. His face lit up. "Dally!" He said. That puppy look was back. Sodapop, why do you have to do this to me. "Where am I, man?" I asked quietly. "You're in the ER" He said as he moved his chair closer. I remembered being in the sidewalk, how I couldn't breath.

Sodapop was still smiling. "I thought I lost you for a minute, dude" He mumbled into his hands. "Why are you still here?" I asked. "I thought you hated me..?" I yawned. "Hated you?" His smile faded quickly. "Dally, why would I ever hate you?" He asked. "I'm always around? The gang seems to blow me off, why don't you?" Why was fuck was I even talking, I couldn't even stop myself. I was tired, but why was I suddenly telling him what I thought?

He sat quiet for a moment. I closed my eyes. The truth is painful, but my body hurt more than the silence. He hugged me. "Soda?" I muttered. "I don't hate you, dallas. I'll never hate you. Now go back to bed" He said. I nodded. Soon enough, everything was black

Soda POV

Dallas just asked if I hated him. Why would I hate him? Did a soc tell him I did? Maybe.

He looks so nice when he's asleep. I stared at his face, then looked at his neck. My face went red at a though I wish I never Thought of. My face went straight into my hands. Stop thinkin that, Soda. Stop bein an idiot.

Man, he really is one of a kind. Sometimes he pisses me off but it's what makes him who he is. I want to always be with him, I really like hanging with Steve and two-bit and Johnny, but Dallas is different..I don't know why yet, he just is, and for now.. I'm just going to say he helps with things, he heals me in a way..even though I'm better, when he's gone I feel empty. Like a glass. why though?..

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