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Sodas POV

It's been a few days since dally kissed me. It's the only thing I'm able to think about, since dal hasn't been to my house since it happened. Maybe it wasn't even the kissing part that's been on my mind, maybe it's the fact I'm scared that i messed up. It was a kiss and I pushed it further than just a kiss. He probably won't come down for a while..unless I apologize. I decided to go find him when darry and Pony left. I'd look at bucks first, just to get it out of the way, then the lot. If he wasn't there with Johnny I'd look around, good plan.

"Bye Soda" I heard Pony call out to me. "Bye Pony" I responded. I waited about thirty minutes then left. I walked up to buck's door and knocked. He opened it and raised an eyebrow. "Is Dallas here?" I asked. He shook his head. "He left at 4 this morning, probably asleep somewhere. He was pretty messed up last night." He answered. I nodded and ran off. I made my way to the lot and he was laying there.. snoring. Johnny wasn't there though..

I walked over and kicked him lightly. He jolted up and wiped his mouth. "Hey Johnny," he said, wiping his mouth again. "I ain't Johnny" I mumbled. He looked up at me and shook his head. "What do you want Soda?" he laid back down and yawned. I sat beside him and stayed quiet. "You gonna answer my question or act stupid, nitwit" He said after a while. "Im sorry about the other night" I said. I wasn't even looking at him but I somehow saw his eyes roll. "Is that all?" He asked. I nodded. It was awkward, but I knew it would be worse if I just got up and left though..so I sat quietly. "It's alright or whatever" He sighed. "You ain't even do anything, it was me" He said. I tilted my head at his words. "I kissed first, I just needed a few days, I was gonna swing by tonight" He said with a shrug. I smiled. Before I could say anything to reply, he lifted his hand and held his head. He let out a dramatic groan of pain. "Idiot" I muttered. He closed his eyes. "Why'd you drink so much, we already have one drunk" I said. He shook his head and sat up again. "It's fun to get wasted like that every once in a while..till I wake up anyway." He replied. "Well if you're going to sleep again at least go back to buck's." I said as I stood up and held my hand out. "Why bucks?" He asked. "Where else?"

"You leave your door unlocked for a reason" He said with a smile. "I guess" He took my hand and stood up. "I haven't been over because I wanted to think about what I did, you know? Did you know Johnny and Ponyboy have a thing going on, man?" He started walking beside me. "Johnny and Ponyboy?" I looked at him, shocked. He nodded. "Johnny was telling me last night and he also told me not to tell anyb-..." He stopped and stood there quietly. I was really trying not to laugh. "I-its okay" I said as I covered my mouth. He continued walking. "Dammit, don't tell no one Soda" he said. "I won't" i promised.

We made it back to my house and he plopped down onto the couch. It seemed like he was passed it before he even hit the couch. I covered him in a blanket and went to take a shower, and suddenly, the house felt full again.


This one is really bad ik ik but I'm tired and it's 1 am, you feel me? Ig I can at least say this story is better than some of the 9 year olds stories..they can be terrifying. But It'll get better once they start putting the whole thing together and not just thinking they have feelings for the other, cause at the moment they're trying to figure it out, but both of them are too dumb. So.. <3

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