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Soda POV

"Yeah" He said. I stood there shocked. I smiled and looked down. "I'm hungry" He said, standing up. His face was as red as mine was but he acted like nothing happened. "I think there's still something left"
"Are you going to stand there or what?" He asked, peeking his head in. I laughed and jogged towards the door.

I watched as he ate. Suddenly, it hurt to be with somebody. I used to do this all the time with Sandy down at the diner. Just sit and admire her. I was going to marry her, and then she left. She left like mom and dad did, she left and never came back, but she chose to, she didn't want to come back..and everytime i think I'm OK with it it just hits me harder than it did before. I'm well over Sandy..but it still hurts to know that she didn't love me. It hurt to know that she never wanted me. And being with somebody else was a reminder of it. I never thought Sandy would leave, but this is a guy who would leave me just as random and quick as she did, and he wouldn't even think twice.

"Sodapop" He said. I jumped slightly and forced a smile. "Yeah?"
He shook his head and put his plate in the sink. "Stop doing that" he said. "Doing what?" I questioned. "That ugly ass smile" he came back over and sat down. I quickly stopped. "No, not like that" He mumbled. "I like your smile, but not that one. I like your real smile. The one you make when you laugh, not the one you make when you're about to cry" He said.

I couldn't help but slightly smile at what he said. I watched him smile as soon as I did. His was pretty. The door opened and Ponyboy and Johnny came running in laughing. Ponyboy was carrying Johnny Bridal style through the living room till he met us in the kitchen. Johnny quickly started telling Ponyboy to put him down, and he did. Ponys face was red and Johnny stood there quietly. "Hey..soda" Pony mumbled. I laughed and shook my head. "Hey pony"

Dally POV [tw-mention of ED]

Soda was talking to ponyboy and Johnny while I was sitting and watching his breathing. I never realized how much weight he lost since he came back. To be honest, I never did pay attention to what he would eat in a day. He didn't eat breakfast and he didn't eat dinner last night..I don't think he ate the night before either. The last thing I wanted was for him to have some Eating disorder.

Ponyboy and Johnny finally left the room. Soda turned back to me, smiling. I didn't want to upset him but I didn't want him to die either. "Soda, what do you want to eat?" I asked. He shrugged and simply replied with, "I'm not hungry". I took out some money and threw it on the table. " I got enough to go down to the diner" I said. He shook his head again. I tried to have a serious look and his smiled quickly faded..again. "Dallas, I'm not hung‐" He started, but I stopped him. "You're gonna eat something. I don't care what it is so chose"
He sat quietly for a minute. "We can go to the diner, I guess"

I nodded and grabbed the money off the table. He stood up and followed me out the door

We made our way to the diner. "Soda" I said. He looked over and tilted his head. "Don't start starving yourself cause of what someone told you" He stopped, so I did too. "I'm serious. There's nothing you need to change about yourself, you're perfect already..You've got the looks that drive people insane, so trust me, even if it seems like I'm lying, there's nothing wrong with you." I said. He looked down. It was hard to tell if he was crying or not till he looked up. He was smiling like an idiot. It was different to have someone to love, it was different to even be nice to someone like that. I'd never tell just anyone what I told him.

I smiled softly and started to walk again. He talked the rest of the way about how he was happy to be going back to work the next week. This is something I could get used to..having someone I don't have to worry about losing..


Notice how they both think different things? Pretty cool ayeee. Idk what to write anymore, so there might be more Johnnyboy just to keep it going yk. Plus..DALLAS IS SO SWEET IN THIS????? He has my heart man. idk it seemed like it matched, he's pretty cold to everyone but the people he fr loves. Idk, I see dally and Johnny in the lot after Johnny's dad hits him and Dally is just telling him how amazing he is and that he can't kill himself cause he's loved— love him

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