everywhere I go

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Soda POV

Dal is asleep in my lap, snoring lightly. I noticed how his eyes had bags under them. I don't think I meant what I said last night..I just didn't want Ponyboy to know. Dallas has always been the type of person to never break, he never did till that night we thought Johnny died, he broke then, and I heard Johnny tell him he was heartless..that probably hurt too.

I watched him close his mouth. He moved his head to the side and whined. I assumed he was having a nightmare, but I'd hate to wake him. Ponys nightmares have stopped, which was a relief..

He moved his head again. I let out a sigh. "Dallas" I whispered in his ear, but he didn't wake up. "Dally" I said, a bit louder. His eyes bolted open and he flew up. He wiped his eyes and looked around, confused. "Dal?" He turned to look at me. He stared at me. He needed someone to talk to, but I knew he wouldn't, he needed to stay "solid". To not let anyone know his weak spots, he needed to be Dallas Winston, but I wish he'd just cut it out. It'll kill him one of these days.

"Hey soda" he mumbled as he rubbed his eyes. "Nightmare?" I asked. "Yeah, just about the fire." He replied. "What about it?"

"Nothing serious, just that Johnny and Pony didn't didn't make it out, the last thing Johnny said before he died was "I hate you" but it's cool, man" he said. He stood up and stretched. "You hungry?" I asked. He shook his head. I watched him walk for the door. Before he got there, and before I could stop myself, I said, "Dallas wait" He turned to look at me. "You already said you were sorry," he said. "Stay for a bit" I muttered. He stared at me for a second, then left.
Damn..I really am stupid.

It's been a few hours and it's dark now. I wonder where Dallas is. Steve has been here since he left, so we got to hang out, but he left and now I'm alone. Pony, Johnny, and Two-bit are out at a movie and I don't know where Darry is. So I decided to go for a walk to the park, then come back and go to bed.

I grabbed my DX shirt and threw it on, not caring enough to button it. Its pretty cold outside, but I don't mind.
The park isn't that far either.

I walked up and saw someone else sitting there but paid no attention to them. I laid down in the damp grass and stared up the the sky. Its nice. Pony talks about sunsets all the time, but the stars are beautiful. I was so caught up in staring that I didn't notice the person walking up beside me until I felt a foot kick my rib lightly. "Hey kid, you even aloud out this late?" I heard them say. They laid down in the grass beside me. It didn't matter who it was, I just wanted to be left alone.

Dally POV

I'm staying in the lot again. I left right after soda asked me to stay, just like a heartless asshole. I feel as if im proving everybody's point. I have to go through the park..and hopefully there's no socs.

I dragged my feet along. I walked past two other guys laying on the ground. The silence between them was weird, and the one on the left seemed uncomfortable. There was a cluck sound then whispering. The click sounded like a switchblade. I turned my head. There was a familiar voice from the two. "That isn't a fair fight," one of them said. "Well it doesn't need to be, you're going to do as I say whether I have this to your throat or not." The other said. I stopped. One of them was Sodapop. I was still pissed at him but I'm not going to walk away and let him die either. I grabbed the one guy by the collar and pulled him up, as soon as he was on his feet I punched him. He took the hand with the blade and swung at me, but missed. I assumed he was drunk from the way he stumbled. I grabbed the blade and took it out of his hands. It was a fair fight now, and as long as he didn't have a weapon, I was good with it.

After a few punches to the face he ran off. Sodapop stood by and watched, but he also knew not to get into someone else's fights. Once the guy was gone he ran up beside me. "Are you ok? Did he hit you too hard?" He asked. I shook my head. "Nothing I can't handle. If you're going to come out in the middle of the night..either have a blade or someone with you, dumbass" He smiled at me. "You staying at our house?" He asked. I shrugged. "I was gonna stay down in the lot tonight" I responded. He shook his head. "Johnnycake is staying over tonight, you might as well stay too. If you want I'll leave you alone, but it's supposed to be real cold"

After a few seconds of though I decided to go. Sodapop has a was with words or I'm crazy..not sure if it's mental crazy or crazy over him but it's one of them..and it doesn't help at all that he just happens to be wherever I go. Maybe forgiving him wasn't a bad idea, maybe he was sorry..and maybe I was in love with him.


Tadaaaaaa wonderful, aye? Anyway. They're kinda fruity ngl. I probably spelled things wrong but whatever

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