not really

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Dally POV

I'm going to crash at sodas tonight, not like I don't every night anyways. Though, tonight I'm going to try and get him to sneak out for a bit. Just to go on a walk or something, mostly to get away from Pony but I feel like a walk would be nice.

I walked in and sat down on the couch. I waited there quietly but i don't think soda heard the door, or he was asleep. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. I sat there for a while, then felt warm hands traveling around my neck and down the front of my shirt. I felt someone's chin rest on top of my head. "Hey dal" I heard Soda say. I chuckled and looked up. He smiled down at me. He walked around and sat beside me on the couch

"Do you wanna..sneak out or something?" I asked. He stared at me, confused. "Go on a walk" I mumbled. He looked unsure for a second then nodded. "We just have to be back before darry gets up" He pointed out. "I'm not that stupid.." I muttered

I opened the door for him and he walked out. I closed the door quietly then caught up with him. "So, why did you want to go on a walk?" He asked. I shrugged in response. "I honestly don't know."

We made it to the park and sat on a bench. It was nice. "The stars really are pretty" He said. "yeah..kind of remind me of you" I said. Soda looked over at me. His cheeks were flushed red and his head was tilted to the side, confusion covering his face. So he's guy who falls for cheesy lines like that one. "hmn?" I looked back up at the sky but he stayed staring at me. "Don't say that" I heard him mumble as he looked away. I smiled. "Why?" I asked and he shook his head. "You know why"

He looked back over at me after a while and yawned. His hand moved onto my lap, my body tensed up at the feeling of his thumb sliding up and down. I stared down at his hand and heard him chuckle quietly. This feeling of want hit me, the one that makes me want to kiss him again.

I looked over at him. He was staring up at the sky, his eyes darting around at the stars. I felt his hand move towards my inner thigh. It was funny when he went red, but now I am, and it sure ain't funny. I looked over at him, he wasn't looking at me but I could see a smirk on his face. I tried to play it off like I didn't know, but it was obvious I did.

Soda POV

It's funny to see Dallas like this, he's vulnerable. I'm not the type to act like I am right now, but something about being here with him just hits differently. The first time, he kissed me, but now I'm the one kissing him. He jumped at first, but melted into the kiss after a second. It's fun..having control over someone no one has been able to keep calm.

Every once in a while he makes a small sound, nothing anyone but me would be able to hear, which was good..since we're in a park. His hand pressed against my chest, my heart was racing.

"What. In. The. Hell." The Sound of someone's voice made me jump. I looked over at the person walking towards us, it was Ponyboy..and he was with Johnny. Dally wiped his mouth and acted like nothing happened. Pony was staring at me. "Hey's not what it—" I started, but he cut me off. "If y'all were gonna make out then at least do it where you won't get lord." He said. I then remembered that him a Johnny were secretly together, me and dal aren't, we just get lost sometimes.

"Hey Johnnycake" Dally said with a smile. "Hey dal" Johnny mumbled. "Wait, how long have you been sneaking out pony?" I asked. His face turned red and he looked down. "When you guys go to bed me and Johnny sit outside, not too far..but you a dal were gone so we thought you snuck out too..we came lookin and found you, didn't think you guys would be like.. yknow..doing what you were doing" I blinked at him.

Dallas and Johnny were walking around In circles and  talking, leaving me and Pony. "You like dallas?" He asked. I shrugged. "Not really, he's just fun to tease" I said. I wasn't even sure if I meant it, but Dally must've heard..cause he looked at me and his smile faded. I felt guilty now..real stupid and real guilty.

______________________________ Soda is the one to hurt dally..not what you'd expect, huh? The question is, did he mean it? :} this one isn't bad and the parts where they kiss are even worse but it's cause I ain't good with that stuff, man. I'm trying to make it get better, the next chapter will probably be drama then Dally being hurt again then drama then making up then whatever ig. Maybe not, but maybe. Depends on what I wanna write tbh..anyway gn

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